www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/PredictClassLabelsUsingMATLABFunctionBlockExample.m

    %% Predict Class Labels Using MATLAB Function Block
% Products Used: Simulink(R) and statistics and Machine Learning
% Toolbox(TM)
% This example shows how to add a MATLAB Function block to a Simulink(R)
% for label prediction. The MATLAB Function block accepts streaming data,
% and predicts the label and classification score using a trained, support
% vector machine (SVM) classification model. For details on using the
% MATLAB Function block, see <docid:simulink_ug.f6-130172>.
% The |ionosphere| data set, which is included in the Statistics and
% Machine Learning Toolbox(TM), contains radar-return qualities (|Y|) and
% predictor data (|X|). Radar returns are either of good quality (|'g'|) or
% of bad quality (|'b'|). 
% Load the |ionosphere| data set. Determine the sample size.
load ionosphere
n = numel(Y)
% The MATLAB Function block cannot return cell arrays. So, convert the
% response variable to a logical vector whose elements are
% |1| if the radar returns are good, and |0| otherwise.
Y = strcmp(Y,'g');
% Suppose that the radar returns are detected in sequence, and you have the
% first 300 observations, but you have not received the last 51 yet.
% Partition the data into present and future samples.
prsntX = X(1:300,:);
prsntY = Y(1:300);
ftrX = X(301:end,:);
ftrY = Y(301:end);
% Train an SVM model using all, presently available data. Specify predictor
% data standardization.
Mdl = fitcsvm(prsntX,prsntY,'Standardize',true);
% |Mdl| is a <docid:stats_ug.bt63jyz ClassificationSVM> model. At the
% command line, you can use |Mdl| to make predictions for new observations.
% However, you cannot use |Mdl| as an input argument in a function meant
% for code generation.
% Prepare |Mdl| to be loaded within the function using
% <docid:stats_ug.bvclu99 saveCompactModel>.
% |saveCompactModel| compacts |Mdl|, and then saves it in the MAT-file
% |SVMIonosphere.mat|.
% Declare a function named |svmIonospherePredict.m| that predicts whether a
% radar return is of good quality. The function should:
% * Include the code generation directive |%#codegen| somewhere in the
% function.
% * Accept radar-return predictor data. The data must be commensurate with
% |X| except for the number of rows.
% * Load |SVMIonosphere.mat| using <docid:stats_ug.bvcl05n-1
% loadCompactModel>.
% * Return predicted labels and classification scores for predicting the
% quality of the radar return as good (that is, the positive-class score).
% <include>svmIonospherePredict.m</include> 
% |svmIonospherePredict.m| is located in your
% |mlr/help/toolbox/stats/examples| folder, where |mlr| is the value of
% |matlabroot|.
% Load the Simulink(R) model |slexSVMIonospherePredictExample.slx| located
% in |mlr/examples/stats|.
mlr = matlabroot;
SimMdlName = 'slexSVMIonospherePredictExample';
pathToModel = fullfile(mlr,'examples','stats',SimMdlName);
% The figure displays the Simulink(R) model. When the input node detects a
% radar return, it directs that observation into the MATLAB Function block
% that dispatches to |svmIonospherePredict.m|. After predicting the label
% and score, the model returns these values to the workspace and displays
% the values within the model one at a time. When you load
% |slexSVMIonospherePredictExample.slx|, MATLAB(R) also loads the data set
% that it requires called |radarReturnInput|. However, this example shows
% how to construct the required data set.
% The model expects to receive input data as a structure array called
% |radarReturnInput| containing these fields:
% * |time| - The points in time at which the observations enter the model.
% In the example, the duration includes the integers from 0 though 50. The
% orientation must correspond to the observations in the predictor data.
% So, for this example, |time| must be a column vector.
% * |signals| - A 1-by-1 structure array describing the input data, and
% containing the fields |values| and |dimensions|.  |values| is a matrix of
% predictor data.  |dimensions| is the number of predictor variables.
% Create an appropriate structure array for future radar returns.
radarReturnInput.time = (0:50)';
radarReturnInput.signals(1).values = ftrX;
radarReturnInput.signals(1).dimensions = size(ftrX,2);
% You can change the name from |radarReturnInput|, and then specify the new
% name in the model. However, Simulink(R) expects the structure array to
% contain the described field names.
% Simulate the model using the data held out of training, that is, the data
% in |radarReturnInput|.
% <<../classifyIonosphereAfterSim.png>>
% The figure shows the model after it processes all observations in
% |radarReturnInput| one at a time. The predicted label of |X(351,:)| is
% |1| and its positive-class score is |1.431|. The variables |tout|,
% |yout|, and |svmlogsout| appear in the workspace. |yout| and |svmlogsout|
% are |SimulinkData.Dataset| objects containing the predicted labels and
% scores. For more details, see <docid:simulink_ug.bs40i1i-1>.
% Extract the simulation data from the simulation log.
labelsSL = svmlogsout.getElement(1).Values.Data;
scoresSL = svmlogsout.getElement(2).Values.Data;
% |labelsSL| is a 51-by-1 numeric vector of predicted labels. |labelsSL(j)|
% = |1| means that the SVM model predicts that radar return |j| in the
% future sample is of good quality, and |0| means otherwise. |scoresSL| is
% a 51-by-1 numeric vector of positive-class scores, that is, signed
% distances from the decision boundary. Positive scores correspond to
% predicted labels of |1|, and negative scores correspond to predicted
% labels of |0|.
% Predict labels and positive-class scores at the command line using
% <docid:stats_ug.bt74bzo predict>.
[labelCMD,scoresCMD] = predict(Mdl,ftrX);
scoresCMD = scoresCMD(:,2);
% |labelCMD| and |scoresCMD| are commensurate with |labelsSL| and
% |scoresSL|.
% Compare the future-sample, positive-class scores returned by
% |slexSVMIonospherePredictExample| to those returned by calling |predict|
% at the command line.
err = sum((scoresCMD - scoresSL).^2);
err < eps
% The sum of squared deviations between the sets of scores is negligible.
% If you also have a Simulink(R) Coder(TM) license, then you can generate C
% code from |slexSVMIonospherePredictExample.slx| in Simulink(R) or from
% the command line using <docid:rtw_ref.bttxa6u rtwbuild>. For more
% details, see <docid:rtw_gs.btyj0uu>.