www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/PredictCrossValidationLossOfAnOptimizedClassifierExample.m

    %% Predict Cross-Validation Loss of an Optimized Classifier
% This example shows how to estimate the cross-validation loss of an
% optimized classifier.
% Optimize a KNN classifier for the |ionosphere| data, meaning find
% parameters that minimize the cross-validation loss. Minimize over
% nearest-neighborhood sizes from 1 to 30, and over the distance functions
% |'chebychev'|, |'euclidean'|, and |'minkowski'|.
% For reproducibility, set the random seed, and set the
% |AcquisitionFunctionName| option to |'expected-improvement-plus'|.
load ionosphere
rng default
num = optimizableVariable('n',[1,30],'Type','integer');
dst = optimizableVariable('dst',{'chebychev','euclidean','minkowski'},'Type','categorical');
c = cvpartition(351,'Kfold',5);
fun = @(x)kfoldLoss(fitcknn(X,Y,'CVPartition',c,'NumNeighbors',x.n,...
results = bayesopt(fun,[num,dst],'Verbose',0,...
% Create a table of points to estimate.
b = categorical({'chebychev','euclidean','minkowski'});
n = [1;1;1;4;2;2];
dst = [b(1);b(2);b(3);b(1);b(1);b(3)];
XTable = table(n,dst);
% Estimate the objective and standard deviation of the objective at these
% points.
[objective,sigma] = predictObjective(results,XTable);