www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/ReduceMemoryConsumptionOfSVMModelsExample.m

    %% Reduce Memory Consumption of SVM Models
% |predict| accepts compacted SVM models, and, for linear SVM models, does
% not require the |Alpha|, |SupportVectors|, and |SupportVectorLabels|
% properties to predict labels for new observations.  If your training set
% is large, consider compacting the SVM model, and then discarding the
% stored support vectors and other related estimates.
% Load the |ionosphere| data set.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load ionosphere
rng(1); % For reproducibility
% Train an SVM model using default options.
MdlSV = fitcsvm(X,Y);
% |MdlSV| is a |ClassificationSVM| model containing nonempty values for its
% |Alpha|, |SupportVectors|, and |SupportVectorLabels| properties.
% Reduce the size of the SVM model by discarding the training data, support
% vectors, and related estimates.
CMdlSV = compact(MdlSV);               % Discard training data
CMdl = discardSupportVectors(CMdlSV);  % Discard support vectors
% |CMdl| is a |CompactClassificationSVM| model.
% Compare the sizes of the SVM models |MdlSV| and |CMdl|.
vars = whos('MdlSV','CMdl');
100*(1 - vars(1).bytes/vars(2).bytes)
% The compacted model consumes much less memory than the full model. 
% Predict the label for a random row of the training data using the more
% efficient SVM model.
idx = randsample(size(X,1),1)
predictedLabel = predict(CMdl,X(idx,:))
trueLabel = Y(idx)