www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/RegularizeADiscriminantAnalysisClassifierExample.m

    %% Regularize a Discriminant Analysis Classifier
% This example shows how to make a more robust and simpler model by trying
% to remove predictors without hurting the predictive power of the model.
% This is especially important when you have many predictors in your data.
% Linear discriminant analysis uses the two regularization parameters,
% Gamma and Delta (see 
% <docid:stats_ug.bs89cwx-6>), to identify and remove redundant predictors. The
% <docid:stats_ug.bs89cwx> method helps identify appropriate settings for these
% parameters.
%% Load data and create a classifier.
% Create a linear discriminant analysis classifier for the |ovariancancer|
% data. Set the |SaveMemory| and |FillCoeffs| name-value pair arguments to
% keep the resulting model reasonably small.  For computational ease, this
% example uses a random subset of about one third of the predictors to train the
% classifier.
load ovariancancer
rng(1); % For reproducibility
numPred = size(obs,2);
obs = obs(:,randsample(numPred,ceil(numPred/3)));
Mdl = fitcdiscr(obs,grp,'SaveMemory','on','FillCoeffs','off');
%% Cross validate the classifier.
% Use 25 levels of |Gamma| and 25 levels of |Delta| to search for good
% parameters. This search is time consuming. Set |Verbose| to |1| to view
% the progress.
[err,gamma,delta,numpred] = cvshrink(Mdl,...
%% Examine the quality of the regularized classifiers.
% Plot the number of predictors against the error.
xlabel('Error rate');
ylabel('Number of predictors');
% Examine the lower-left part of the plot more closely.
axis([0 .1 0 1000])
% There is a clear tradeoff between lower number of predictors and lower
% error.
%% Choose an optimal tradeoff between model size and accuracy.
% Multiple pairs of |Gamma| and |Delta| values produce about the same minimal
% error. Display the indices of these pairs and their values.
minerr = min(min(err))
[p,q] = find(err < minerr + 1e-4); % Subscripts of err producing minimal error
idx = sub2ind(size(delta),p,q); % Convert from subscripts to linear indices
[gamma(p) delta(idx)]
% These points have as few as 20% of the total predictors that have 
% nonzero coefficients in the model.
% To further lower the number of predictors, you must accept larger error
% rates. For example, to choose the |Gamma| and |Delta| that give the
% lowest error rate with 200 or fewer predictors.
low200 = min(min(err(numpred <= 200)));
lownum = min(min(numpred(err == low200)));
[low200 lownum]
% You need 195 predictors to achieve an error rate of 0.0185, and this is
% the lowest error rate among those that have 200 predictors or fewer.
% Display the |Gamma| and |Delta| that achieve this error/number of
% predictors.
[r,s] = find((err == low200) & (numpred == lownum));
[gamma(r); delta(r,s)]
%% Set the regularization parameters.
% To set the classifier with these values of |Gamma| and |Delta|, use dot
% notation.
Mdl.Gamma = gamma(r);
Mdl.Delta = delta(r,s);
%% Heat map plot
% To compare the |cvshrink| calculation to that in Guo, Hastie, and
% Tibshirani <docid:stats_ug.btbh_i0>, plot heat maps of error and number
% of predictors against |Gamma| and the index of the |Delta| parameter.
% (The |Delta| parameter range depends on the value of the |Gamma|
% parameter. So to get a rectangular plot, use the |Delta| index, not the
% parameter itself.)

% Create the Delta index matrix
indx = repmat(1:size(delta,2),size(delta,1),1);
title 'Classification error';
xlabel 'Delta index';
ylabel 'Gamma index';

title 'Number of predictors in the model';
xlabel 'Delta index' ;
ylabel 'Gamma index' ;
% You see the best classification error when |Delta| is small, but fewest
% predictors when |Delta| is large.