www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/SearchForAllNearestNeighborsWithinASpecifiedDistanceExample.m

    %% Search for All Nearest Neighbors Within a Specified Distance
% Search for all nearest neighbors within a specified distance of a query
% point using |rangesearch| on a |KDTreeSearcher| model.
% Specify |X| and |Y| as samples of 5-dimensional, normally distributed
% variables. 

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

rng(1);           % For reproducibility
X = randn(100,5); % Training data
Y = randn(10,5);  % Query data
% Grow a _K_ d-tree using |X|.
Mdl = KDTreeSearcher(X);
% |Mdl| is a <docid:stats_ug.bsd9y03-1> model.  By default, the
% software sets the distance metric to the Euclidean distance.  You can
% change the default distance using the |'Distance'| name-value pair
% argument or using dot notation.
% Find the points in the training data (specifically, the property
% |Mdl.X|) that are within a Euclidean distance |1.5| of each point
% in the query data (|Y|).
[Idx,D] = rangesearch(Mdl,Y,1.5)
% |Idx| and |D| are cell vectors of numeric row vectors with length equal
% to the number of rows of |Y| (|10| in this case).  |Idx{j}| is a row
% vector containing the row indices of |X| corresponding to all
% observations within |1.5| units of observation |Y(j,:)|.  |D{j}| contain
% their distances.  The software orders the indices in |Idx{j}| and
% distances in |D{j}| by closest to furthest.
% To illustrate the meanings |Idx| and |D|, print all row indices of
% |Mdl.X| corresponding to those that are within |1.5| units of
% observation 7 in |Y|.  Also, print their distances.
% |Mdl.X(60,:)| is the closest observation in |X| to |Y(7,:)|, and |Mdl.X(30,:)| is
% the next closest.  |Mdl.X(60,:)| is |1.2620| units away from |Y(7,:)|, and
% |Mdl.X(30,:)| is |1.2638| units away.  |Mdl.X(60,:)| and |Mdl.X(30,:)| are the only
% two observations in |Mdl.X| that are within |1.5| units of |Y(7,:)|.