www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/SelectECOCModelFeaturesByExaminingInSampleMarginsExample.m

    %% Select ECOC Model Features by Examining In-Sample Margins
% The classifier margins measure, for each observation, the difference
% between the positive-class, negated loss score and the maximal
% negative-class, negated loss. One way to perform feature selection is to
% compare in-sample margins from multiple models.  Based solely on this
% criterion, the model with the highest margins is the best model.
% Load Fisher's iris data set. Define two data sets:
% * |fullX| contains all 4 predictors.
% * |partX| contains the sepal measurements.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
X = meas;
fullX = X;
partX = X(:,1:2);
Y = species;
% Train ECOC models using SVM binary learners for each predictor set. It is
% good practice to standardize the predictors and define the class order.
% Specify to standardize the predictors using an SVM template, and to
% compute posterior probabilities.
t = templateSVM('Standardize',1);
classOrder = unique(Y)
FullMdl = fitcecoc(fullX,Y,'Learners',t,'ClassNames',classOrder,...
PartMdl = fitcecoc(partX,Y,'Learners',t,'ClassNames',classOrder,...
% Estimate the in-sample margins for each classifier.   For each model,
% display the distribution of the margins using a boxplot.
fullMargins = resubMargin(FullMdl);
partMargins = resubMargin(PartMdl);

boxplot([fullMargins partMargins],'Labels',{'All Predictors','Two Predictors'});
title('Boxplots of In-Sample Margins')
% The margin distribution of CMdl is situated higher, and with less
% variablility than the margin distribution of PCMdl.