www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/SpecifyPredictorDistributionsForNavieBayesClassifiersExample.m

    %% Specify Predictor Distributions for Naive Bayes Classifiers
% Load Fisher's iris data set.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
X = meas;
Y = species;
% Train a naive Bayes classifier using every predictor.
NBModel1 = fitNaiveBayes(X,Y);
NBModel1.ClassLevels % Display the class order
% By default, the software models the predictor distribution within each
% class as a Gaussian with some mean and standard deviation. There are four
% predictors and three class levels. Each cell in |NBModel1.Params|
% corresponds to a numeric vector containing the mean and standard
% deviation of each distribution, e.g., the mean and standard deviation for
% setosa iris sepal widths are |3.4280| and |0.3791|, respectively.
% Estimate the confusion matrix for |NBModel1|.
predictLabels1 = predict(NBModel1,X);
[ConfusionMat1,labels] = confusionmat(Y,predictLabels1)
% Element (_j_, _k_) of |ConfusionMat1| represents the number of
% observations that the software classifies as _k_, but the data show as
% being in class _j_.
% Retrain the classifier using the Gaussian distribution for predictors 1
% and 2 (the sepal lengths and widths), and the default normal kernel density
% for predictors 3 and 4 (the petal lengths and widths).
NBModel2 = fitNaiveBayes(X,Y,...
% The software does not train parameters to the kernel density.  Rather,
% the software chooses an optimal width.  However, you can specify a
% width using the |'KSWidth'| name-value pair argument.
% Estimate the confusion matrix for |NBModel2|.
predictLabels2 = predict(NBModel2,X);
ConfusionMat2 = confusionmat(Y,predictLabels2)
% Based on the confusion matrices, the two classifiers perform similarly in
% the training sample.