www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/TrainANaiveBayesClassifierExample.m

    %% Train a Naive Bayes Classifier
% Load Fisher's iris data set.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
X = meas(:,3:4);
Y = species;
% The software can classify data with more than two classes
% using naive Bayes methods.
% Train a naive Bayes classifier.
NBModel = fitNaiveBayes(X,Y)
% |NBModel| is a trained |NaiveBayes| classifier.
% By default, the software models the predictor distribution within each class
% using a Gaussian distribution having some mean and standard deviation. Use
% dot notation to display the parameters of a particular Gaussian fit,
% e.g., display the fit for the first feature within |setosa|.
setosaIndex = strcmp(NBModel.ClassLevels,'setosa');
estimates = NBModel.Params{setosaIndex,1}
% The mean is |1.4620| and the standard deviation is |0.1737|.
% Plot the Gaussian contours.
h = gca;
xylim = [h.XLim h.YLim];
hold on
Params = cell2mat(NBModel.Params);
Mu = Params(2*(1:3)-1,1:2); % Extracts the means
Sigma = zeros(2,2,3);
for j = 1:3
    Sigma(:,:,j) = diag(Params(2*j,:)); % Extracts the standard deviations
        xylim+0.5*[-1,1,-1,1]) ...
        % Draws contours for the multivariate normal distributions
title('Naive Bayes Classifier -- Fisher''s Iris Data')
xlabel('Petal Length (cm)')
ylabel('Petal Width (cm)')
hold off
% You can change the default distribution using the name-value pair
% argument |'Distribution'|.  For example, If some predictors are count
% based, then you can specify that they are multinomial random variables
% using |'Distribution','mn'| .