www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/TrainAndCrossValidateECOCClassifiersExample.m

    %% Train and Cross Validate ECOC Classifiers
% Train an ECOC classifier using different binary learners and the
% one-versus-all coding design. Then, cross validate the classifier.
% Load Fisher's iris data set.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris
X = meas;
Y = species;
classNames = unique(species(~strcmp(species,''))) % Remove empty classes 
K = numel(classNames) % Number of classes
rng(1);  % For reproducibility
% |classNames| are the unique classes in the data set, and |K| is the
% number of classes.  You can use |classNames| to specify the order of the
% classes during training.
% For a one-versus-all coding design, there are |K| = 3 binary
% learners. Specify templates for the binary learners such that:
% * Binary learner 1 and 2 are naive Bayes classifiers.  By default, each
% predictor is conditionally, normally distributed given its label. 
% * Binary learner 3 is an SVM classifier.  Specify to use the Gaussian
% kernel.
tNB = templateNaiveBayes();
tSVM = templateSVM('KernelFunction','gaussian');
tLearners = {tNB tNB tSVM};
% |tNB| and |tSVM| are template objects for naive Bayes and SVM learning,
% respectively.  They indicate what options to use during training.  Most
% of their properties are empty, except for those specified using
% name-value pair arguments.  The software fills in the empty properties
% with their default values during training.
% Train and cross validate an ECOC classifier using the binary learner
% templates and the one-versus-all coding design.  Specify the order of the
% classes.  By default, naive Bayes classifiers use posterior probabilities
% as scores, whereas SVM classifiers use distance from the decision
% boundary.  Therefore, to aggregate the binary learners, you must specify
% to fit posterior probabilities.
CVMdl = fitcecoc(X,Y,'ClassNames',classNames,'CrossVal','on',...
% |CVMdl| is not a |ClassificationECOC| model, but a
% |ClassificationPartitionedECOC| cross-validated, ECOC model.  By default,
% the software implements 10-fold cross validation.  The scores across
% the binary learners are the same form (i.e., they are posterior
% probabilities), and so the software can aggregate the results of the
% binary classifications properly.
% Inspect one of the trained folds using dot notation.
% Each fold is a |CompactClassificationECOC| model trained on 90% of
% the data.  
% You can access the results of the binary learners using dot
% notation and cell indexing.  Display the trained SVM classifier (the
% third binary learner) in the first fold.
% Estimate the generalization error.
genError = kfoldLoss(CVMdl)
% On average, the generalization error is approximately 3%.