www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/TuneGaussianMixtureModelsExample.m

    %% Tune Gaussian Mixture Models
% This example shows how to determine the best Gaussian mixture model (GMM)
% fit by adjusting the number of components and the component covariance
% matrix structure.
% Load Fisher's iris data set.  Consider the petal measurements as
% predictors.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load fisheriris;
X = meas(:,3:4);
[n,p] = size(X);
rng(1); % For reproducibility

title('Fisher''s Iris Data Set');
xlabel('Petal length (cm)');
ylabel('Petal width (cm)');
% Suppose _k_ is the number of desired components or clusters, and $\Sigma$
% is the covariance structure for all components.  Follow these steps to
% tune a GMM.
% # Choose a (_k_, $\Sigma$) pair, and then fit a GMM using the chosen
% parameter specification and the entire data set.
% # Estimate the AIC and BIC.
% # Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you exhaust all (_k_, $\Sigma$) pairs of
% interest.
% # Choose the fitted GMM that balances low AIC with simplicity.
% For this example, choose a grid of values for _k_ that include 2 and 3,
% and some surrounding numbers.  Specify all available choices for
% covariance structure.  If _k_ is too high for the data set, then the
% estimated component covariances can be badly conditioned.  Specify to use
% regularization to avoid badly conditioned covariance matrices. Increase
% the number of EM algorithm iterations to 10000.
k = 1:5;
nK = numel(k);
Sigma = {'diagonal','full'};
nSigma = numel(Sigma);
SharedCovariance = {true,false};
SCtext = {'true','false'};
nSC = numel(SharedCovariance);
RegularizationValue = 0.01;
options = statset('MaxIter',10000);
% Fit the GMMs using all parameter combination.  Compute the AIC and BIC
% for each fit.  Track the terminal convergence status of each fit.

% Preallocation
gm = cell(nK,nSigma,nSC);         
aic = zeros(nK,nSigma,nSC);
bic = zeros(nK,nSigma,nSC);
converged = false(nK,nSigma,nSC);

% Fit all models
for m = 1:nSC;
    for j = 1:nSigma;
        for i = 1:nK;
            gm{i,j,m} = fitgmdist(X,k(i),...
            aic(i,j,m) = gm{i,j,m}.AIC;
            bic(i,j,m) = gm{i,j,m}.BIC;
            converged(i,j,m) = gm{i,j,m}.Converged;

allConverge = (sum(converged(:)) == nK*nSigma*nSC)
% |gm| is a cell array containing all of the fitted |gmdistribution| model
% objects. All of the fitting instances converged. 
% Plot separate bar charts to compare the AIC and BIC among all fits. Group
% the bars by _k_.
title('AIC For Various $k$ and $\Sigma$ Choices','Interpreter','latex');

title('BIC For Various $k$ and $\Sigma$ Choices','Interpreter','latex');
% According to the AIC and BIC values, the best model has 3 components and
% a full, unshared covariance matrix structure.
% Cluster the training data using the best fitting model.  Plot the
% clustered data and the component ellipses.
gmBest = gm{3,2,2};
clusterX = cluster(gmBest,X);
kGMM = gmBest.NumComponents;
d = 500;
x1 = linspace(min(X(:,1)) - 2,max(X(:,1)) + 2,d);
x2 = linspace(min(X(:,2)) - 2,max(X(:,2)) + 2,d);
[x1grid,x2grid] = meshgrid(x1,x2);
X0 = [x1grid(:) x2grid(:)];
mahalDist = mahal(gmBest,X0);
threshold = sqrt(chi2inv(0.99,2));

h1 = gscatter(X(:,1),X(:,2),clusterX);
hold on;
for j = 1:kGMM;
    idx = mahalDist(:,j)<=threshold;
    Color = h1(j).Color*0.75 + -0.5*(h1(j).Color - 1);
    h2 = plot(X0(idx,1),X0(idx,2),'.','Color',Color,'MarkerSize',1);
h3 = plot(gmBest.mu(:,1),gmBest.mu(:,2),'kx','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',10);
title('Clustered Data and Component Structures');
xlabel('Petal length (cm)');
ylabel('Petal width (cm)');
legend(h1,'Cluster 1','Cluster 2','Cluster 3','Location','NorthWest');
hold off
% This data set includes labels.  Determine how well |gmBest| clusters the
% data by comparing each prediction to the true labels.
species = categorical(species);
Y = zeros(n,1);
Y(species == 'versicolor') = 1;
Y(species == 'virginica') = 2;
Y(species == 'setosa') = 3;

miscluster = Y ~= clusterX;
clusterError = sum(miscluster)/n
% The best fitting GMM groups 8% of the observations into the wrong
% cluster. 
% |cluster| does not always preserve cluster order.  That is, if
% you cluster several fitted |gmdistribution| models, |cluster| might
% assign different cluster labels for similar components.