www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/ViewGaussianMixtureModelsOverComponentLevelsExample.m

    %% Select the Number of Gaussian Mixture Model Components Using PCA
% Gaussian mixture models require that you specify a number of components
% before being fit to data.  For many applications, it might be diffcult to
% know the appropriate number of components.  This example shows how to
% explore the data, and try to get an initial guess at the number of
% components using principal component analysis.
% Load Fisher's iris data set.
load fisheriris
classes = unique(species)
% The data set contains three classes of iris species.  The analysis
% proceeds as if this is unknown.
% Use principal component analysis to reduce the dimension of the data to
% two dimensions for visualization.
[~,score] = pca(meas,'NumComponents',2);
% Fit three Gaussian mixture models to the data by specifying 1, 2, and 3
% components.  Increase the number of optimization iterations to |1000|.
% Use dot notation to store the final parameter estimates. By default, the
% software fits full and different covariances for each component.
GMModels = cell(3,1); % Preallocation
options = statset('MaxIter',1000);
rng(1); % For reproducibility

for j = 1:3
    GMModels{j} = fitgmdist(score,j,'Options',options);
    fprintf('\n GM Mean for %i Component(s)\n',j)
    Mu = GMModels{j}.mu
% |GMModels| is a cell array containing three, fitted |gmdistribution|
% models.  The means in the three component models are different, suggesting
% that the model distinguishes among the three iris species.
% Plot the scores over the fitted Gaussian mixture model contours.  Since the data
% set includes labels, use |gscatter| to distinguish between the true 
% number of components.
for j = 1:3
    h1 = gscatter(score(:,1),score(:,2),species);
    h = gca;
    hold on
    ezcontour(@(x1,x2)pdf(GMModels{j},[x1 x2]),...
        [h.XLim h.YLim],100)
    title(sprintf('GM Model - %i Component(s)',j));
    xlabel('1st principal component');
    ylabel('2nd principal component');
    if(j ~= 3)
        legend off;
    hold off
g = legend(h1);
g.Position = [0.7 0.25 0.1 0.1];
% The three-component Gaussian mixture model, in conjunction with PCA,
% looks like it distinguishes between the three iris species.
% There are other options you can use to help select the appropriate
% number of components for a Gaussian mixture model.  For example,
% * Compare multiple models with varying numbers of components using
% information criteria, e.g., AIC or BIC.
% * Estimate the number of clusters using |evalclusters|, which supports,
% the Calinski-Harabasz criterion and the gap statistic, or other criteria.