www.gusucode.com > stats 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats/ZScoresofaDataMatrixExample.m

    %% Z-Scores of a Data Matrix  
% Compute $z$-scores using the mean and standard deviation computed along
% the columns or rows of a data matrix.   

% Load the sample data. 
load flu

% The dataset array |flu| is loaded in the workplace. |flu| has 52 observations
% on 11 variables. The first variable contains dates (in weeks). The other
% variables contain the flu estimates for different regions in the U.S.  

% Convert the dataset array to a data matrix. 
flu2 = double(flu(:,2:end)); 

% The new data matrix, |flu2|, is a 52-by-10 double data matrix. The rows
% correspond to the weeks and the columns correspond to the U.S. regions
% in the data set array |flu|.  

% Standardize the flu estimate for each region (the _columns_ of |flu2|). 
Z1 = zscore(flu2,[ ],1); 

% You can see the $z$-scores in the variable editor by double-clicking on
% the matrix |Z1| created in the workspace.  

% Standardize the flu estimate for each week (the _rows_ of |flu2|). 
Z2 = zscore(flu2,[ ],2);