www.gusucode.com > stats_featured 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats_featured/TuneRegularizationParameterForNCAForClassificationExample.m

    %% Tune Regularization Parameter to Detect Features Using NCA for Classification
% This example shows how to tune the regularization parameter in |fscnca| using
% cross-validation. Tuning the regularization parameter helps to correctly
% detect the relevant features in the data.
% Load the sample data.
% This dataset is simulated using the scheme described in [1]. This is a
% two-class classification problem in two dimensions. Data from the first
% class are drawn from two bivariate normal distributions
% $N(\mu_1,\Sigma)$ or $N(\mu_2,\Sigma)$ with equal probability, where
% $\mu_1 = [-0.75,-1.5]$, $\mu_2 = [0.75,1.5]$ and $\Sigma = I_2$.
% Similarly, data from the second class are drawn from two bivariate
% normal distributions $N(\mu_3,\Sigma)$ or $N(\mu_4,\Sigma)$ with equal
% probability, where $\mu_3 = [1.5,-1.5]$, $\mu_4 = [-1.5,1.5]$ and $\Sigma
% = I_2$. The normal distribution parameters used to create this data set
% results in tighter clusters in data than the data used in [1].

% Create a scatter plot of the data grouped by the class.
% Add 100 irrelevant features to $X$. First generate data from a Normal
% distribution with a mean of 0 and a variance of 20.
n = size(X,1);
XwithBadFeatures = [X,randn(n,100)*sqrt(20)];

% Normalize the data so that all points are between 0 and 1.
XwithBadFeatures = bsxfun(@rdivide,...
X = XwithBadFeatures;

% Fit an nca model to the data using the default |Lambda| (regularization
% parameter, $\lambda$) value. Use the LBFGS solver and display the convergence
% information.
ncaMdl = fscnca(X,y,'FitMethod','exact','Verbose',1,...

% Plot the feature weights. The weights of the irrelevant features should
% be very close to zero.
xlabel('Feature index');
ylabel('Feature weight');    
grid on;

% All weights are very close to zero. This indicates that the value of
% $\lambda$ used in training the model is too large. When $\lambda \to \infty$, all features weights approach to zero. Hence, it is
% important to tune the regularization parameter in most cases to detect
% the relevant features.
% Use five-fold cross-validation to tune $\lambda$ for feature selection
% using |fscnca|. Tuning $\lambda$ means finding the $\lambda$ value
% that will produce the minimum classification loss. Here are the steps for
% tuning $\lambda$ using cross-validation: 
% 1. First partition the data into five folds. For each fold, |cvpartition|
% assigns 4/5th of the data as a training set, and 1/5th of the data as
% a test set. 
cvp           = cvpartition(y,'kfold',5);
numtestsets   = cvp.NumTestSets;
lambdavalues  = linspace(0,2,20)/length(y); 
lossvalues    = zeros(length(lambdavalues),numtestsets);

% 2. Train the neighborhood component analysis (nca) model for each
% $\lambda$ value using the training set in each fold.
% 3. Compute the classification loss for the corresponding test
% set in the fold using the nca model. Record the loss value. 
% 4. Repeat this for all folds and all $\lambda$ values.
for i = 1:length(lambdavalues)                
    for k = 1:numtestsets
        % Extract the training set from the partition object
        Xtrain = X(cvp.training(k),:);
        ytrain = y(cvp.training(k),:);
        % Extract the test set from the partition object
        Xtest  = X(cvp.test(k),:);
        ytest  = y(cvp.test(k),:);
        % Train an nca model for classification using the training set
        ncaMdl = fscnca(Xtrain,ytrain,'FitMethod','exact',...
        % Compute the classification loss for the test set using the nca
        % model
        lossvalues(i,k) = loss(ncaMdl,Xtest,ytest,...
% Plot the average loss values of the folds versus the $\lambda$ values.
xlabel('Lambda values');
ylabel('Loss values');
grid on;

% Find the $\lambda$ value that corresponds to the minimum
% average loss.
[~,idx] = min(mean(lossvalues,2)); % Find the index
bestlambda = lambdavalues(idx) % Find the best lambda value
% Fit the nca model to all of the data using the best $\lambda$ value. Use the
% LBFGS solver and display the convergence information.
ncaMdl = fscnca(X,y,'FitMethod','exact','Verbose',1,...
% Plot the feature weights.
xlabel('Feature index');
ylabel('Feature weight');    
grid on;
% |fscnca| correctly figures out that the first two features are relevant and
% the rest are not. Note that the first two features are not
% individually informative but when taken together result in an accurate
% classification model.

% *References*
% 1. Yang, W., K. Wang, W. Zuo. "Neighborhood Component Feature Selection for
% High-Dimensional Data." _Journal of Computers_. Vol. 7, Number 1, January, 2012.