www.gusucode.com > stats_featured 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats_featured/customdist2demo.m

    %% Fitting Custom Univariate Distributions, Part 2
% This example shows how to use some more advanced techniques with the
% Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox(TM) function |mle| to fit custom distributions to 
% univariate data.  The techniques include fitting models to censored 
% data, and illustration of some of the numerical details of fitting 
% with custom distributions.  
% See <docid:stats_examples.example-ex48933917> 
% for additional examples of fitting custom distributions to 
% univariate data.

%   Copyright 2004-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Fitting Custom Distributions with Censored Data
% The extreme value distribution is often used to model failure times of
% mechanical parts, and experiments in such cases are sometimes only run
% for a fixed length of time.  If not all of the experimental units have
% failed within that time, then the data are right-censored, that is, the
% value of some failure times are not known exactly, but only known to be
% larger than a certain value.

% The Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox includes the function |evfit|, which fits an extreme
% value distribution to data, including data with censoring.  However, for
% the purposes of this example, we will ignore |evfit|, and show how to
% use |mle| and custom distributions to fit a model to censored data,
% using the extreme value distribution.

% Because the values for the censored data are not known exactly, maximum
% likelihood estimation becomes more difficult.  In particular, both the
% PDF and the CDF are needed to compute the log-likelihood.  Therefore, you
% must provide |mle| with functions for both of those in order to fit
% censored data.  The Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox includes the functions |evpdf| and
% |evcdf|, so for this example, the work of writing the code has already been
% done.

% We'll fit the model to simulated data.  The first step is to generate some
% uncensored extreme value data.
n = 50;
mu = 5;
sigma = 2.5;
x = evrnd(mu,sigma,n,1);

% Next, we censor any values that are larger than a predetermined cutoff,
% by replacing those values with the cutoff value.  This is known as Type
% II censoring, and with the cutoff at 7, about 12% of the original data
% end up being censored.
c = (x > 7);
x(c) = 7;

% We can plot a histogram of these data, including a stacked bar to
% represent the censored observations.
[uncensCnts,binCtrs] = hist(x(~c));
censCnts = hist(x(c),binCtrs);
bar(binCtrs,[uncensCnts' censCnts'],'stacked');

% Although there is censoring, the fraction of censored observations is
% relatively small, and so the method of moments can provide a reasonable
% starting point for the parameter estimates.  We compute the values of mu
% and sigma that correspond to the observed mean and standard deviation of
% the uncensored data.
sigma0 = sqrt(6)*std(x(~c))./pi
mu0 = mean(x(~c))-psi(1).*sigma0

% In addition to passing the data, x, and handles to the PDF and CDF
% functions into |mle|, we also use the 'censoring' parameter to pass in the
% censoring vector, c.  Because the scale parameter, sigma, must be
% positive, we specify lower parameter bounds.  |mle| returns the maximum
% likelihood estimates of the two extreme value distribution parameters, mu
% and sigma, as well as approximate 95% confidence intervals.
[paramEsts,paramCIs] = mle(x, 'censoring',c, 'pdf',@evpdf, 'cdf',@evcdf, ...
                           'start',[mu0 sigma0], 'lower',[-Inf,0])

%% Some Numerical Issues in Fitting Custom Distributions
% Fitting a custom distribution requires an initial guess for the
% parameters, and it's often difficult to know how good or bad a starting
% point is a priori.  In the previous example, if we had picked a starting
% point that was farther away from the maximum likelihood estimates, some
% of the observations could have been very far out in the tails of the
% extreme value distribution corresponding to the starting point.  One of
% two things might then have happened.
% First, one of the PDF values might have become so small that it
% underflowed to zero in double precision arithmetic.  Second, one of the
% CDF values might have become so close to 1 that it rounded up in double
% precision.  (It's also possible that a CDF value might have become so
% small as to underflow, but that turns out not to be a problem.)
% Either of these conditions causes problems when |mle| computes the
% log-likelihood, because they lead to log-likelihood values of -Inf, and
% the optimization algorithm in |mle| can not normally be expected to step
% out of such regions.

% Knowing what the maximum likelihood estimates are, let's see what happens
% with a different starting point.
start = [1 1];
    [paramEsts,paramCIs] = mle(x, 'censoring',c, 'pdf',@evpdf, 'cdf',@evcdf, ...
                               'start',start, 'lower',[-Inf,0])
catch ME
% In this case, the second problem has occurred:  Some of the CDF values at
% the initial parameter guess are computed as exactly 1, and so the
% log-likelihood is infinite.  We could try setting |mle|'s 'FunValCheck'
% control parameter to 'off', which would disable checking for non-finite
% likelihood values, and then hope for the best.  But the right way to solve
% this numerical problem is at its root, and in this case it's not hard to
% do.
% Notice that the extreme value CDF is of the form
%    p = 1 - exp( -exp((x-mu)./sigma) )
% The contribution of the censored observations to the log-likelihood is
% the log of their survival function (SF) values, i.e., log(1-CDF).  For
% the extreme value distribution, the log of the SF is just
% -exp((x-mu)./sigma).  If we could compute the log-likelihood using the
% log SF directly, (instead of, in effect, computing log(1 -
% (1-exp(logSF)))) we would avoid the rounding issues with the CDF.  That's
% because observations whose CDF values are not distinguishable from 1 in
% double precision have log SF values that are still easily representable
% as non-zero values.  For example, a CDF value of (1 - 1e-20) rounds to 1
% in double precision, because double precision |eps| is about 2e-16.
SFval = 1e-20;
CDFval = 1 - SFval
% However, the log of the corresponding SF value, i.e. log(1-CDF), is
% easily represented.
% A similar observation can be made about using the log PDF rather than the
% PDF itself -- the contribution of uncensored observations to the
% log-likelihood is the log of their PDF values.  Using the log PDF
% directly (instead of, in effect, computing log(exp(logPDF))) avoids
% underflow problems where the PDF is not distinguishable from zero in
% double precision, but the log PDF is still easily representable as a
% finite negative number.  For example, a PDF value of 1e-400 underflows in
% double precision, because double precision |realmin| is about 2e-308.
logPDFval = -921;
PDFval = exp(logPDFval)

% |mle| provides a syntax for specifying a custom distribution using the
% log PDF and the log SF (rather than the PDF and CDF), via the 'logpdf'
% and 'logsf' parameters.   Unlike the PDF and CDF functions, there are no
% existing functions, so we'll create anonymous functions that compute
% these values:
evlogpdf = @(x,mu,sigma) ((x - mu) ./ sigma - exp((x - mu) ./ sigma)) - log(sigma);
evlogsf = @(x,mu,sigma) -exp((x-mu)./sigma);

% Using the same starting point, the alternate logPDF/logSF specification
% of the extreme value distribution makes the problem solvable:
start = [1 1];
[paramEsts,paramCIs] = mle(x, 'censoring',c, 'logpdf',evlogpdf, 'logsf',evlogsf, ...
                           'start',start, 'lower',[-Inf,0])
% However, this strategy cannot always mitigate a poor starting point, and
% a careful choice of starting point is always recommended.

%% Supplying a Gradient
% By default, |mle| uses the function |fminsearch| to find parameter values
% that maximize the log-likelihood for the data.  |fminsearch| uses an
% optimization algorithm that is derivative-free, and is often a good
% choice.
% However, for some problems, choosing an optimization algorithm that uses
% the derivatives of the log-likelihood function can make the difference
% between converging to the maximum likelihood estimates or not, especially
% when the starting point is far away from the final answer.  Providing the
% derivatives can also sometimes speed up the convergence.
% If your MATLAB(R) installation includes the Optimization Toolbox(TM), |mle| allows
% you to use the function |fmincon|, which includes optimization algorithms
% that can use derivative information.  To take best advantage of the
% algorithms in |fmincon|, you can specify a custom distribution using a
% log-likelihood function, written to return not only the log-likelihood
% itself, but its gradient as well.  The gradient of the log-likelihood
% function is simply the vector of its partial derivatives with respect to
% its parameters.
% This strategy requires extra preparation, to write code that computes
% both the log-likelihood and its gradient.  For this example, we've the
% created code to do that for the extreme value distribution as a separate
% file <matlab:edit('evnegloglike.m') |evnegloglike.m|>.
type evnegloglike.m

% Notice that the function |evnegloglike| returns the _negative_ of both
% the log-likelihood values and of the gradient values, because MLE
% _minimizes_ that negative log-likelihood.

% To compute the maximum likelihood estimates using a gradient-based
% optimization algorithm, we use the 'nloglf' parameter, specifying that we
% are providing a handle to a function that computes the negative
% log-likelihood, and the 'optimfun' parameter, specifying |fmincon| as the
% optimization function.  |mle| will automatically detect that
% |evnegloglike| can return both the negative log-likelihood and its
% gradient.
start = [1 1];
[paramEsts,paramCIs] = mle(x, 'censoring',c, 'nloglf',@evnegloglike, ...
                           'start',start, 'lower',[-Inf,0], 'optimfun','fmincon')