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    %% Fitting Data with Generalized Linear Models
% This example shows how to fit and evaluate generalized linear models
% using |glmfit| and |glmval|. Ordinary linear regression can be used to
% fit a straight line, or any function that is linear in its parameters, to
% data with normally distributed errors. This is the most commonly used
% regression model; however, it is not always a realistic one. Generalized
% linear models extend the linear model in two ways. First, assumption of
% linearity in the parameters is relaxed, by introducing the link function.
% Second, error distributions other than the normal can be modeled

% Copyright 2000-2008 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Generalized Linear Models
% A regression model defines the distribution of a response variable (often
% generically denoted as y) in terms of one or more predictor variables
% (often denoted x1, x2, etc.).  The most commonly used regression model,
% the ordinary linear regression, models y as a normal random variable, whose
% mean is linear function of the predictors, b0 + b1*x1 + ... , and whose
% variance is constant.  In the simplest case of a single predictor x, the
% model can be represented as a straight line with Gaussian distributions
% about each point.
mu = @(x) -1.9+.23*x;
x = 5:.1:15;
yhat = mu(x);
dy = -3.5:.1:3.5; sz = size(dy); k = (length(dy)+1)/2;
x1 =  7*ones(sz); y1 = mu(x1)+dy; z1 = normpdf(y1,mu(x1),1);
x2 = 10*ones(sz); y2 = mu(x2)+dy; z2 = normpdf(y2,mu(x2),1);
x3 = 13*ones(sz); y3 = mu(x3)+dy; z3 = normpdf(y3,mu(x3),1);
plot3(x,yhat,zeros(size(x)),'b-', ...
      x1,y1,z1,'r-', x1([k k]),y1([k k]),[0 z1(k)],'r:', ...
      x2,y2,z2,'r-', x2([k k]),y2([k k]),[0 z2(k)],'r:', ...
      x3,y3,z3,'r-', x3([k k]),y3([k k]),[0 z3(k)],'r:');
zlim([0 1]);
xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y'); zlabel('Probability density');
grid on; view([-45 45]);

% In a generalized linear model, the mean of the response is modeled as a
% monotonic nonlinear transformation of a linear function of the
% predictors, g(b0 + b1*x1 + ...) .  The inverse of the transformation g is
% known as the "link" function.  Examples include the logit (sigmoid)
% link and the log link.  Also, y may have a non-normal distribution, such
% as the binomial or Poisson.  For example, a Poisson regression with log
% link and a single predictor x can be represented as an exponential curve
% with Poisson distributions about each point.
mu = @(x) exp(-1.9+.23*x);
x = 5:.1:15;
yhat = mu(x);
x1 =  7*ones(1,5);  y1 = 0:4; z1 = poisspdf(y1,mu(x1));
x2 = 10*ones(1,7); y2 = 0:6; z2 = poisspdf(y2,mu(x2));
x3 = 13*ones(1,9); y3 = 0:8; z3 = poisspdf(y3,mu(x3));
plot3(x,yhat,zeros(size(x)),'b-', ...
      [x1; x1],[y1; y1],[z1; zeros(size(y1))],'r-', x1,y1,z1,'r.', ...
      [x2; x2],[y2; y2],[z2; zeros(size(y2))],'r-', x2,y2,z2,'r.', ...
      [x3; x3],[y3; y3],[z3; zeros(size(y3))],'r-', x3,y3,z3,'r.');
zlim([0 1]);
xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y'); zlabel('Probability');
grid on; view([-45 45]);

%% Fitting a Logistic Regression
% This example involves an experiment to help model the proportion of cars
% of various weights that fail a mileage test.  The data include
% observations of weight, number of cars tested, and number failed.

% A set of car weights
weight = [2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900 4100 4300]';
% The number of cars tested at each weight
tested = [48 42 31 34 31 21 23 23 21 16 17 21]';
% The number of cars failing the test at each weight
failed = [1 2 0 3 8 8 14 17 19 15 17 21]';
% The proportion of cars failing for each weight
proportion = failed ./ tested;

xlabel('Weight'); ylabel('Proportion');

% This graph is a plot of the proportion of cars failing, as a function of
% weight.  It's reasonable to assume that the failure counts came from a
% binomial distribution, with a probability parameter P that increases with
% weight.  But how exactly should P depend on weight?
% We can try fitting a straight line to these data.
linearCoef = polyfit(weight,proportion,1);
linearFit = polyval(linearCoef,weight);
plot(weight,proportion,'s', weight,linearFit,'r-', [2000 4500],[0 0],'k:', [2000 4500],[1 1],'k:')
xlabel('Weight'); ylabel('Proportion');

% There are two problems with this linear fit:
% 1) The line predicts proportions less than 0 and greater than 1.
% 2) The proportions are not normally distributed, since they are
% necessarily bounded.  This violates one of the assumptions required for
% fitting a simple linear regression model.
% Using a higher-order polynomial may appear to help.
[cubicCoef,stats,ctr] = polyfit(weight,proportion,3);
cubicFit = polyval(cubicCoef,weight,[],ctr);
plot(weight,proportion,'s', weight,cubicFit,'r-', [2000 4500],[0 0],'k:', [2000 4500],[1 1],'k:')
xlabel('Weight'); ylabel('Proportion');

% However, this fit still has similar problems.  The graph shows that the
% fitted proportion starts to decrease as weight goes above 4000; in fact
% it will become negative for larger weight values.  And of course, the
% assumption of a normal distribution is still violated.
% Instead, a better approach is to use |glmfit| to fit a logistic
% regression model.  Logistic regression is a special case of a generalized
% linear model, and is more appropriate than a linear regression for these
% data, for two reasons.  First, it uses a fitting method that is
% appropriate for the binomial distribution.  Second, the logistic link
% limits the predicted proportions to the range [0,1].
% For logistic regression, we specify the predictor matrix, and a matrix
% with one column containing the failure counts, and one column containing
% the number tested.  We also specify the binomial distribution and the
% logit link.
[logitCoef,dev] = glmfit(weight,[failed tested],'binomial','logit');
logitFit = glmval(logitCoef,weight,'logit');
plot(weight,proportion,'bs', weight,logitFit,'r-');
xlabel('Weight'); ylabel('Proportion');

% As this plot indicates, the fitted proportions asymptote to zero and one
% as weight becomes small or large.

%% Model Diagnostics
% The |glmfit| function provides a number of outputs for examining the fit
% and testing the model.  For example, we can compare the deviance values
% for two models to determine if a squared term would improve the fit
% significantly.
[logitCoef2,dev2] = glmfit([weight weight.^2],[failed tested],'binomial','logit');
pval = 1 - chi2cdf(dev-dev2,1)

% The large p-value indicates that, for these data, a quadratic term does
% not improve the fit significantly.  A plot of the two fits shows there is
% little difference in the fits.
logitFit2 = glmval(logitCoef2,[weight weight.^2],'logit');
plot(weight,proportion,'bs', weight,logitFit,'r-', weight,logitFit2,'g-');
legend('Data','Linear Terms','Linear and Quadratic Terms','Location','northwest');

% To check the goodness of fit, we can also look at a probability plot of
% the Pearson residuals.  These are normalized so that when the model is a
% reasonable fit to the data, they have roughly a standard normal
% distribution. (Without this standardization, the residuals would have
% different variances.)
[logitCoef,dev,stats] = glmfit(weight,[failed tested],'binomial','logit');

% The residual plot shows a nice agreement with the normal distribution.

%% Evaluating the Model Predictions
% Once we are satisfied with the model, we can use it to make predictions,
% including computing confidence bounds.  Here we predict the expected
% number of cars, out of 100 tested, that would fail the mileage test at
% each of four weights.
weightPred = 2500:500:4000;
[failedPred,dlo,dhi] = glmval(logitCoef,weightPred,'logit',stats,.95,100);

%% Link Functions for Binomial Models
% For each of the five distributions that |glmfit| supports, there is a
% canonical (default) link function.  For the binomial distribution, the
% canonical link is the logit.  However, there are also three other links
% that are sensible for binomial models.  All four maintain the mean
% response in the interval [0, 1].
eta = -5:.1:5;
plot(eta,1 ./ (1 + exp(-eta)),'-', eta,normcdf(eta), '-', ...
     eta,1 - exp(-exp(eta)),'-', eta,exp(-exp(eta)),'-');
xlabel('Linear function of predictors'); ylabel('Predicted mean response');
legend('logit','probit','complementary log-log','log-log','location','east');

% For example, we can compare a fit with the probit link to one with the
% logit link.
probitCoef = glmfit(weight,[failed tested],'binomial','probit');
probitFit = glmval(probitCoef,weight,'probit');
plot(weight,proportion,'bs', weight,logitFit,'r-', weight,probitFit,'g-');
legend('Data','Logit model','Probit model','Location','northwest');

% It's often difficult for the data to distinguish between these four
% link functions, and a choice is often made on theoretical grounds.