www.gusucode.com > stats_featured 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > stats_featured/nonlinearlogisticregressiondemo.m

    %% Nonlinear Logistic Regression
% This example shows two ways of fitting a nonlinear logistic regression
% model. The first method uses maximum likelihood (ML) and the second
% method uses generalized least squares (GLS) via the function |fitnlm|
% from Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox (TM).

%% Problem Description
% Logistic regression is a special type of regression in which the goal is
% to model the probability of something as a function of other variables.
% Consider a set of predictor vectors $x_1,\ldots,x_N$ where $N$ is the
% number of observations and $x_i$ is a column vector containing the values
% of the $d$ predictors for the $i$ th observation. The response variable
% for $x_i$ is $Z_i$ where $Z_i$ represents a Binomial random variable with
% parameters $n$, the number of trials, and $\mu_i$, the probability of
% success for trial $i$. The normalized response variable is $Y_i = Z_i/n$
% - the proportion of successes in $n$ trials for observation $i$. Assume
% that responses $Y_i$ are independent for $i = 1,\ldots,N$. For each $i$:
% $E(Y_i) = \mu_i$
% $Var(Y_i) = \frac{\mu_i(1-\mu_i)}{n}$. 
% Consider modeling $\mu_i$ as a function of predictor variables $x_i$.
% In linear logistic regression, you can use the function |fitglm| to model
% $\mu_i$ as a function of $x_i$ as follows:
% $\log{\left( \frac{\mu_i}{1 - \mu_i} \right)} = x_i^T \beta$
% with $\beta$ representing a set of coefficients multiplying the
% predictors in $x_i$. However, suppose you need a nonlinear function on
% the right-hand-side:
% $\log{\left( \frac{\mu_i}{1 - \mu_i} \right)} = f(x_i,\beta).$
% There are functions in Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox (TM) for
% fitting nonlinear regression models, but not for fitting nonlinear
% logistic regression models. This example shows how you can use toolbox
% functions to fit those models.

%% Direct Maximum Likelihood (ML)
% The ML approach maximizes the log likelihood of the observed data. The
% likelihood is easily computed using the Binomial probability (or density)
% function as computed by the |binopdf| function.

%% Generalized Least Squares (GLS)
% You can estimate a nonlinear logistic regression model using the function
% |fitnlm|. This might seem surprising at first since |fitnlm| does not
% accommodate Binomial distribution or any link functions. However,
% |fitnlm| can use Generalized Least Squares (GLS) for model estimation if
% you specify the mean and variance of the response. If GLS converges, then
% it solves the same set of nonlinear equations for estimating $\beta$ as
% solved by ML. You can also use GLS for quasi-likelihood estimation of
% generalized linear models. In other words, we should get the same or
% equivalent solutions from GLS and ML. To implement GLS estimation,
% provide the nonlinear function to fit, and the variance function for the
% Binomial distribution.
% *Mean or model function*
% The model function describes how $\mu_i$ changes with $\beta$. For
% |fitnlm|, the model function is: 
% $\mu_i = \frac{1}{1 \,\, + \,\,  \mbox{exp}\left\{-f(x_i,\beta)\right\}}$
% *Weight function*
% |fitnlm| accepts observation weights as a function handle using the
% |'Weights'| name-value pair argument. When using this option, |fitnlm|
% assumes the following model:
% $E(Y_i) = \mu_i$
% $Var(Y_i) = \frac{\sigma^2}{w(\mu_i)}$
% where responses $Y_i$ are assumed to be independent, and $w$ is a custom
% function handle that accepts $\mu_i$ and returns an observation weight.
% In other words, the weights are inversely proportional to the response
% variance. For the Binomial distribution used in the logistic regression
% model, create the weight function as follows:
% $w(\mu_i) = \frac{1}{Var(y_i)} = \frac{n}{\mu_i (1 - \mu_i)}$
% |fitnlm| models the variance of the response $Y_i$ as $\sigma^2/w(\mu_i)$
% where $\sigma^2$ is an extra parameter that is present in GLS estimation,
% but absent in the logistic regression model. However, this typically does
% not affect the estimation of $\beta$, and it provides a "dispersion
% parameter" to check on the assumption that the $Z_i$ values have a
% Binomial distribution.
% An advantage of using |fitnlm| over direct ML is that you can perform
% hypothesis tests and compute confidence intervals on the model
% coefficients.

%% Generate Example Data
% To illustrate the differences between ML and GLS fitting, generate some
% example data. Assume that $x_i$ is one dimensional and suppose the true
% function $f$ in the nonlinear logistic regression model is the
% Michaelis-Menten model parameterized by a $2 \times 1$ vector $\beta$:
% $f(x_i,\beta) = \frac{\beta_1 x_i}{\beta_2 + x_i}.$
    myf = @(beta,x) beta(1)*x./(beta(2) + x);
% Create a model function that specifies the relationship between $\mu_i$ 
% and $\beta$.
    mymodelfun = @(beta,x) 1./(1 + exp(-myf(beta,x)));   
% Create a vector of one dimensional predictors and the true coefficient
% vector $\beta$.
    x    = linspace(-1,1,200)';
    beta = [10;2];
% Compute a vector of $\mu_i$ values for each predictor.
    mu = mymodelfun(beta,x);
% Generate responses $z_i$ from a Binomial distribution with success
% probabilities $\mu_i$ and number of trials $n$.
    n = 50;
    z = binornd(n,mu);
% Normalize the responses.
    y = z./n;
%% ML Approach
% The ML approach defines the negative log likelihood as a function of the
% $\beta$ vector, and then minimizes it with an optimization function such
% as |fminsearch|. Specify |beta0| as the starting value for $\beta$.
    mynegloglik = @(beta) -sum(log(binopdf(z,n,mymodelfun(beta,x))));
    beta0 = [3;3];
    opts = optimset('fminsearch');
    opts.MaxFunEvals = Inf;
    opts.MaxIter = 10000;
    betaHatML = fminsearch(mynegloglik,beta0,opts)    

% The estimated coefficients in |betaHatML| are close to the true values of
% |[10;2]|.
%% GLS Approach    
% The GLS approach creates a weight function for |fitnlm| previously described.
    wfun = @(xx) n./(xx.*(1-xx));
% Call |fitnlm| with custom mean and weight functions. Specify |beta0| as
% the starting value for $\beta$.
    nlm = fitnlm(x,y,mymodelfun,beta0,'Weights',wfun)
% Get an estimate of $\beta$ from the fitted |NonLinearModel| object |nlm|.
    betaHatGLS = nlm.Coefficients.Estimate
% As in the ML method, the estimated coefficients in |betaHatGLS| are close
% to the true values of |[10;2]|. The small _p_-values for both $\beta_1$
% and $\beta_2$ indicate that both coefficients are significantly different
% from $0$.

%% Compare ML and GLS Approaches
% Compare estimates of $\beta$.
    max(abs(betaHatML - betaHatGLS))
% Compare fitted values using ML and GLS
    yHatML  = mymodelfun(betaHatML ,x);
    yHatGLS = mymodelfun(betaHatGLS,x);
    max(abs(yHatML - yHatGLS))
% ML and GLS approaches produce similar solutions.    
%% Plot fitted values using ML and GLS
    h = figure;
    hold on;
    plot(x,yHatML ,'b'  ,'LineWidth',1);
    ylabel('y and fitted values');
    title('Data y along with ML and GLS fits.');
% ML and GLS produce similar fitted values.
%% Plot estimated nonlinear function using ML and GLS
% Plot true model for $f(x_i,\beta)$. Add plot for the initial estimate of
% $f(x_i,\beta)$ using $\beta = \beta_0$ and plots for ML and GLS based
% estimates of $f(x_i,\beta)$.
    h = figure;
    hold on;
    plot(x,myf(beta0,x)     ,'k'  ,'LineWidth',1);
    plot(x,myf(betaHatML ,x),'c--','LineWidth',1);
    legend('True f','Initial f','Estimated f with ML','Estimated f with GLS','Location','Best');
    ylabel('True and estimated f');
    title('Comparison of true f with estimated f using ML and GLS.');
% The estimated nonlinear function $f$ using both ML and GLS methods is
% close to the true nonlinear function $f$. You can use a similar technique
% to fit other nonlinear generalized linear models like nonlinear Poisson
% regression.