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    %% Pitfalls in Fitting Nonlinear Models by Transforming to Linearity

%   Copyright 2005 The MathWorks, Inc.

% This example shows pitfalls that can occur when fitting a nonlinear model
% by transforming to linearity.  Imagine that we have collected
% measurements on two variables, x and y, and we want to model y as a
% function of x.  Assume that x is measured exactly, while measurements of
% y are affected by additive, symmetric, zero-mean errors.

x = [5.72 4.22 5.72 3.59 5.04 2.66 5.02 3.11 0.13 2.26 ...
     5.39 2.57 1.20 1.82 3.23 5.46 3.15 1.84 0.21 4.29 ...
     4.61 0.36 3.76 1.59 1.87 3.14 2.45 5.36 3.44 3.41]';
y = [2.66 2.91 0.94 4.28 1.76 4.08 1.11 4.33 8.94 5.25 ...
     0.02 3.88 6.43 4.08 4.90 1.33 3.63 5.49 7.23 0.88 ...
     3.08 8.12 1.22 4.24 6.21 5.48 4.89 2.30 4.13 2.17]';

% Let's also assume that theory tells us that these data should follow a model
% of exponential decay, y = p1*exp(p2*x), where p1 is positive and p2 is
% negative.  To fit this model, we could use nonlinear least squares.
modelFun = @(p,x) p(1)*exp(p(2)*x);
% But the nonlinear model can also be transformed to a linear one by taking
% the log on both sides, to get log(y) = log(p1) + p2*x. That's tempting,
% because we can fit that linear model by ordinary linear least squares.  The
% coefficients we'd get from a linear least squares would be log(p1) and p2.
paramEstsLin = [ones(size(x)), x] \ log(y);
paramEstsLin(1) = exp(paramEstsLin(1))

% How did we do?  We can superimpose the fit on the data to find out.
xx = linspace(min(x), max(x));
yyLin = modelFun(paramEstsLin, xx);
plot(x,y,'o', xx,yyLin,'-');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
legend({'Raw data','Linear fit on the log scale'},'location','NE');

% Something seems to have gone wrong, because the fit doesn't really follow
% the trend that we can see in the raw data.  What kind of fit would we get
% if we used |nlinfit| to do nonlinear least squares instead?  We'll use the
% previous fit as a rough starting point, even though it's not a great fit.
paramEsts = nlinfit(x, y, modelFun, paramEstsLin)
yy = modelFun(paramEsts,xx);
plot(x,y,'o', xx,yyLin,'-', xx,yy,'-');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
legend({'Raw data','Linear fit on the log scale',  ...
	'Nonlinear fit on the original scale'},'location','NE');

% The fit using |nlinfit| more or less passes through the center of the data
% point scatter.  A residual plot shows something approximately like an even
% scatter about zero.
r = y-modelFun(paramEsts,x);
plot(x,r,'+', [min(x) max(x)],[0 0],'k:');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('residuals');

% So what went wrong with the linear fit?  The problem is in log transform. If
% we plot the data and the two fits on the log scale, we can see that there's
% an extreme outlier.
plot(x,log(y),'o', xx,log(yyLin),'-', xx,log(yy),'-');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('log(y)');
legend({'Raw data', 'Linear fit on the log scale',  ...
	'Nonlinear fit on the original scale'},'location','SW');
% That observation is not an outlier in the original data, so what happened to
% make it one on the log scale?  The log transform is exactly the right thing
% to straighten out the trend line.  But the log is a very nonlinear
% transform, and so symmetric measurement errors on the original scale have
% become asymmetric on the log scale.  Notice that the outlier had the smallest
% y value on the original scale -- close to zero.  The log transform has
% "stretched out" that smallest y value more than its neighbors.  We made the
% linear fit on the log scale, and so it is very much affected by that
% outlier.
% Had the measurement at that one point been slightly different, the two fits
% might have been much more similar.  For example, 
y(11) = 1;
paramEsts = nlinfit(x, y, modelFun, [10;-.3])
paramEstsLin = [ones(size(x)), x] \ log(y);
paramEstsLin(1) = exp(paramEstsLin(1))
yy = modelFun(paramEsts,xx);
yyLin = modelFun(paramEstsLin, xx);
plot(x,y,'o', xx,yyLin,'-', xx,yy,'-');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
legend({'Raw data', 'Linear fit on the log scale',  ...
	'Nonlinear fit on the original scale'},'location','NE');

% Still, the two fits are different.  Which one is "right"?  To answer that,
% suppose that instead of additive measurement errors, measurements of y were
% affected by multiplicative errors.  These errors would not be symmetric, and
% least squares on the original scale would not be appropriate.  On the other
% hand, the log transform would make the errors symmetric on the log scale,
% and the linear least squares fit on that scale is appropriate.
% So, which method is "right" depends on what assumptions you are willing to
% make about your data.  In practice, when the noise term is small relative to
% the trend, the log transform is "locally linear" in the sense that y values
% near the same x value will not be stretched out too asymmetrically.  In that
% case, the two methods lead to essentially the same fit.  But when the noise
% term is not small, you should consider what assumptions are realistic, and
% choose an appropriate fitting method.