www.gusucode.com > symbolic 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > symbolic/AddTitleAndAxisLabelsAndFormatTicksExample.m

    %% Add Title and Axis Labels and Format Ticks
% For $x$ and $y$ from $-2\pi$ to $2\pi$, plot the 3-D surface $y\sin(x) -
% x\cos(y)$. Add a title and axis labels.
% Create the x-axis ticks by spanning the x-axis limits at intervals of
% |pi/2|. Convert the axis limits to precise multiples of |pi/2| by using
% |round| and get the symbolic tick values in |S|. Display these ticks by using the
% |XTick| property. Create x-axis labels by using
% |arrayfun| to apply |texlabel| to |S|. Display these labels
% by using the |XTickLabel| property. Repeat these steps for the y-axis.
% To use LaTeX in plots, see <docid:symbolic_ug.f2-234358>.

syms x y
fsurf(y.*sin(x)-x.*cos(y), [-2*pi 2*pi])
title('ysin(x) - xcos(y) for x and y in [-2\pi,2\pi]')

ax = gca;
S = sym(ax.XLim(1):pi/2:ax.XLim(2));
S = sym(round(vpa(S/pi*2))*pi/2);
ax.XTick = double(S);
ax.XTickLabel = arrayfun(@texlabel,S,'UniformOutput',false);

S = sym(ax.YLim(1):pi/2:ax.YLim(2));
S = sym(round(vpa(S/pi*2))*pi/2);
ax.YTick = double(S);
ax.YTickLabel = arrayfun(@texlabel,S,'UniformOutput',false);