www.gusucode.com > symbolic 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > symbolic/ThreeDPlotOfMultivariableSystemOfEquationsExample.m

    %% 3D Plot of Multivariable System of Equations
%% 1
syms x y z
eqn1 = z == 10*(cos(x) + cos(y));
eqn2 = z == x+y^2-0.1*x^2*y;
eqn3 = x+y-2.7 == 0;
equations = [eqn1 eqn2 eqn3];
axis([0 2.5 0 2.5 -20 10])
title('System of Multivariate Equations')
view(69, 28)
caxis([-15 10])

%% 2
sol = vpasolve(equations);
[sol.x sol.y sol.z]

%% 3
vars = [x y z];
range = [0 1.5; 1.5 2.5; NaN NaN];
sol = vpasolve(equations, vars, range);
[sol.x sol.y sol.z]

%% 4
clear sol
range = [0 3; 0 3; NaN NaN];
for i = 1:5
    temp = vpasolve(equations, vars, range, 'random', true);
	sol(i,1) = temp.x;
    sol(i,2) = temp.y;
    sol(i,3) = temp.z;

%% 5
ax = axes;
h = fimplicit3(equations);
h(2).FaceAlpha = 0;
h(3).FaceAlpha = 0;
axis([0 2.5 0 2.5 -20 10])
hold on
title('Randomly found solutions in specified search range')
cz = ax.Children;
caxis([0 20])
hold off