www.gusucode.com > vision 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > vision/GeometricVerificationUsingEstimateGeometricTransformExample.m

    %% Geometric Verification Using |estimateGeometricTransform| Function
% Use the locations of visual words to verify the best search result. 
% To rerank the search results based on geometric information, repeat 
% this procedure for the top _N_ search results.

% Specify the location of the images.
dataDir = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata','bookCovers');
bookCovers = imageDatastore(dataDir);
% Index the image set. This process can take a few minutes.
imageIndex = indexImages(bookCovers);
% Select and display the query image.
queryDir = fullfile(dataDir,'queries',filesep);
queryImage = imread([queryDir 'query3.jpg']);

% Retrieve the best matches. The |queryWords| output contains visual word 
% locations information for the query image. Use this information to 
% verify the search results.
[imageIDs, ~, queryWords] = retrieveImages(queryImage,imageIndex);
% Find the best match for the query image by extracting the visual words 
% from the image index. The image index contains the visual word 
% information for all images in the index.
bestMatch = imageIDs(1);
bestImage = imread(imageIndex.ImageLocation{bestMatch});
bestMatchWords = imageIndex.ImageWords(bestMatch);
% Generate a set of tentative matches based on visual word assignments. 
% Each visual word in the query can have multiple matches due to the hard 
% quantization used to assign visual words.
queryWordsIndex     = queryWords.WordIndex;
bestMatchWordIndex  = bestMatchWords.WordIndex;

tentativeMatches = [];
for i = 1:numel(queryWords.WordIndex)
    idx = find(queryWordsIndex(i) == bestMatchWordIndex);
    matches = [repmat(i, numel(idx), 1) idx];
    tentativeMatches = [tentativeMatches; matches];
% Show the point locations for the tentative matches. There are many 
% poor matches.
points1 = queryWords.Location(tentativeMatches(:,1),:);
points2 = bestMatchWords.Location(tentativeMatches(:,2),:);

% Remove poor visual word assignments using |estimateGeometricTransform| 
% function. Keep the assignments that fit a valid geometric transform.
[tform,inlierPoints1,inlierPoints2] = ...

% Rerank the search results by the percentage of inliers. Do this when 
% the geometric verification procedure is applied to the top _N_ search 
% results. Those images with a higher percentage of inliers are more 
% likely to be relevant.
percentageOfInliers = size(inlierPoints1,1)./size(points1,1);

% Apply the estimated transform.
outputView = imref2d(size(bestImage));
Ir = imwarp(queryImage, tform, 'OutputView', outputView);
