www.gusucode.com > vision 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > vision/LoadNetworkInRCNNObjectDetectorExample.m

    %% Use A Saved Network In R-CNN Object Detector
% Create an R-CNN object detector and set it up to use a saved network
% checkpoint. A network checkpoint is saved every epoch during network
% training when the |trainingOptions| 'CheckpointPath' parameter is set.
% Network checkpoints are useful in case your training session terminates
% unexpectedly.

% Load the stop sign training data.
% Add full path to image files.
stopSigns.imageFilename = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata', ...
% Set the 'CheckpointPath' using the |trainingOptions| function.
checkpointLocation = tempdir;
options = trainingOptions('sgdm','Verbose',false, ...

% Train the R-CNN object detector with a few images.
rcnn = trainRCNNObjectDetector(stopSigns(1:3,:),layers,options);

% Load a saved network checkpoint.
wildcardFilePath = fullfile(checkpointLocation,'convnet_checkpoint__*.mat');
contents = dir(wildcardFilePath);

% Load one of the checkpoint networks.
filepath = fullfile(contents(1).folder,contents(1).name);
checkpoint = load(filepath);


% Create a new R-CNN object detector and set it up to use the saved
% network.
rcnnCheckPoint = rcnnObjectDetector();
rcnnCheckPoint.RegionProposalFcn = @rcnnObjectDetector.proposeRegions;

% Set the Network to the saved network checkpoint.
rcnnCheckPoint.Network = checkpoint.net