www.gusucode.com > vision 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > vision/SearchSetImagesForSpecificObjectExample.m

    %% Search Image Set for Specific Object Using ROIs
% Search an image set for an object using a region of interest (ROI) for the query image.
% Define a set of images to search.
imageFiles = ...
  {'elephant.jpg', 'cameraman.tif', ...
  'peppers.png',  'saturn.png',...
  'pears.png',    'stapleRemover.jpg', ...
  'football.jpg', 'mandi.tif',...
  'kids.tif',     'liftingbody.png', ...
  'office_5.jpg', 'gantrycrane.png',...
  'moon.tif',     'circuit.tif', ...
  'tape.png',     'coins.png'};

imds = imageDatastore(imageFiles);

% Create a search index.
 imageIndex = indexImages(imds);

% Specify a query image and an ROI. The ROI outlines the object, an elephant, for the search.
queryImage = imread('clutteredDesk.jpg');
queryROI = [130 175 330 365];

% You can also use the |imrect| function to select an ROI interactively. For example, |queryROI = getPosition(imrect)|

% Find images that contain the object. 
imageIDs = retrieveImages(queryImage,imageIndex,'ROI',queryROI)

% Display the best match.
bestMatch = imageIDs(1);
