www.gusucode.com > vision 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > vision/SystemObjectDesignVisionExample.m

    %% Edge Detection System Design with System Objects
% This example shows how to create a system that finds the edges of objects
% in a video stream, using System objects. System objects are components 
% you can use to create your system in MATLAB. 

%% Create Components for Your System
% This section of the example shows how to set up your system. The predefined
% components you need are:  
% * |vision.VideoFileReader| — Read the file of video data  
% * |vision.AlphaBlender| — Overlay edges onto the original video images  
% * |vision.VideoPlayer| — Play the video    
% The example uses a function for edge detection.
% First, create the component objects, using default property settings. 
% Create three |VideoPlayer| objects. One to play the original video, one 
% to play the edges, and one to show the edges overlaid on the original video. 
hVideoSrc = vision.VideoFileReader;
hAB = vision.AlphaBlender;
hVideoOrig = vision.VideoPlayer;
hVideoEdges = vision.VideoPlayer;
hVideoOverlay = vision.VideoPlayer;  
%% Configure Component Property Values
% This section of the example shows how to configure the components for 
% your system by setting the component objects’ properties. 
% Use this procedure if you have created your components separately from
% configuring them. You can also create and configure your components
% at the same time, as described in a later example. 
% For the video file reader object, specify the file to read and set the
% image color space. 
% For the alpha blender object, specify the type of operation to use. 
% For the video player objects, specify the names, the window size, and
% the window position. 
hVideoSrc.Filename = 'vipmen.avi';
hVideoSrc.ImageColorSpace = 'Intensity';  

hAB.Operation = 'Highlight selected pixels';  

WindowSize = [190 150];

hVideoOrig.Name = 'Original';
hVideoOrig.Position = [10 hVideoOrig.Position(2) WindowSize];

hVideoEdges.Name = 'Edges';
hVideoEdges.Position = [210 hVideoOrig.Position(2) WindowSize];

hVideoOverlay.Name = 'Overlay';
hVideoOverlay.Position = [410 hVideoOrig.Position(2) WindowSize];    

%% Connect Components in a System
% This section shows how to connect the components together to read the
% file, detect edges, form a composite image, and display the video data. 
% The while loop uses the |isDone| method to read through the entire file. 
% The |step| method is used on each object inside the loop.  
while ~isDone(hVideoSrc)
    frame     = hVideoSrc();               % Read input video
    edges     = edge(frame,'Prewitt',15/256);  % Edge detection
    composite = hAB(frame,edges);         % AlphaBlender

    hVideoOrig(frame);                    % Display original
    hVideoEdges(edges);                   % Display edges
    hVideoOverlay(composite);             % Display edges overlaid