www.gusucode.com > vision 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > vision/Use2DFFTToViewTheFrequencyComponentsOfAnImageExample.m

    %% Use 2-D FFT to View the Frequency Components of an Image
% Visualize original image and its FFT magnitude response.
% Create the FFT object.
fftObj = vision.FFT;
% Read the image.
I = im2single(imread('pout.tif'));
% Compute the FFT.
J = fftObj(I);
% Shift zero-frequency components to the center of spectrum.
J_shifted = fftshift(J);
% Display original image and visualize its FFT magnitude response.
figure; imshow(I);
title('Input image, I'); 
imshow(log(max(abs(J_shifted), 1e-6)),[]),colormap(jet(64));
title('Magnitude of the FFT of I');