www.gusucode.com > vision 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > vision/ViewRotating3DPointCloudExample.m

    %% View Rotating 3-D Point Cloud
% Load point cloud.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

ptCloud = pcread('teapot.ply');
% Define a rotation matrix and 3-D transform.
x = pi/180; 
R = [ cos(x) sin(x) 0 0
     -sin(x) cos(x) 0 0
      0         0   1 0
      0         0   0 1];

tform = affine3d(R);
% Compute _x_-_y_ limits that ensure that the rotated teapot is not clipped.
lower = min([ptCloud.XLimits ptCloud.YLimits]);
upper = max([ptCloud.XLimits ptCloud.YLimits]);
xlimits = [lower upper];
ylimits = [lower upper];
zlimits = ptCloud.ZLimits;
% Create the player and customize player axis labels.
player = pcplayer(xlimits,ylimits,zlimits);

xlabel(player.Axes,'X (m)');
ylabel(player.Axes,'Y (m)');
zlabel(player.Axes,'Z (m)');
% Rotate the teapot around the _z_-axis.
for i = 1:360      
    ptCloud = pctransform(ptCloud,tform);     