www.gusucode.com > visionhdl 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > visionhdl/ChromaResamplerSysObjExample.m

    %% Downsample a Y'CbCr Image
% Resample a 4:4:4 Y'CbCr image to 4:2:2. The example also shows 
% how to convert a R'G'B' input image to Y'CbCr color space.

% Prepare a test image by selecting a portion of an image file.
frmActivePixels = 64;
frmActiveLines = 48;
frmOrig = imread('fabric.png');
frmInput = frmOrig(1:frmActiveLines,1:frmActivePixels,:);
% Create a serializer and specify the size of inactive pixel regions. The 
% number of padding pixels on each line must be greater than the latency 
% of each pixel-processing object.
frm2pix = visionhdl.FrameToPixels(...
% Create a color space converter and resampler, using the default property
% values. The default conversion is 'RGB to YCbCr'. The default resampling 
% mode is '4:4:4 to 4:2:2'. The default anti-aliasing filter is a 29-tap 
% lowpass filter. This gives the object a latency of 30 cycles. 
convert2ycbcr = visionhdl.ColorSpaceConverter();
downsampler = visionhdl.ChromaResampler();
% Serialize the test image using the serializer object. |pixIn| is a 
% |numPixelsPerFrame| -by-3 matrix. |ctrlIn| is a vector of control signal 
% structures. Preallocate vectors for the output signals. 
[pixIn,ctrlIn] = step(frm2pix,frmInput);

[~,~,numPixelsPerFrame] = getparamfromfrm2pix(frm2pix);
pix444 = zeros(numPixelsPerFrame,3,'uint8');
ctrl444  = repmat(pixelcontrolstruct,numPixelsPerFrame,1);
pix422 = zeros(numPixelsPerFrame,3,'uint8');
ctrl422 = repmat(pixelcontrolstruct,numPixelsPerFrame,1);
% For each pixel in the stream, convert to YCbCr, then downsample.
for p = 1:numPixelsPerFrame  
    [pix444(p,:),ctrl444(p)] = step(convert2ycbcr,pixIn(p,:),ctrlIn(p));
    [pix422(p,:),ctrl422(p)] = step(downsampler,pix444(p,:),ctrl444(p));
% Create deserializers with a format matching that of the serializer.
% Convert the 4:4:4 and 4:2:2 pixel streams back to image frames.
pix2frm444 = visionhdl.PixelsToFrame(...

pix2frm422 = visionhdl.PixelsToFrame(...

[frm444,frmValid] = step(pix2frm444,pix444,ctrl444);
[frm422,frmValid] = step(pix2frm422,pix422,ctrl422);
% There are the same number of pixels in the 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 pixel-streams
% and frames. To examine the resampled data, regroup the pixel data for the
% first 8 pixels of the first line. The first row is the Y elements of the 
% pixels, the second row is the Cb elements, and the third row is the Cr 
% elements. Notice that, in the 4:2:2 data, the Cb and Cr elements change 
% only every second sample. 
YCbCr444 = [frm444(1,1:8,1); frm444(1,1:8,2); frm444(1,1:8,3)]
YCbCr422 = [frm422(1,1:8,1); frm422(1,1:8,2); frm422(1,1:8,3)]

title '4:2:2'
title '4:4:4'