www.gusucode.com > visionhdl 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > visionhdl/ConvertCameraControlSignalsToVHTFormatExample.m

    %% Convert Camera Control Signals to |pixelcontrol| Format
% Vision HDL Toolbox(TM) blocks and objects use a custom streaming video 
% format. If your system operates on streaming video data from a camera, 
% you must convert the camera control signals into this custom format.
% Alternatively, if you integrate Vision HDL Toolbox algorithms into existing
% design and verification code that operates in the camera format, you must
% also convert the output signals from the Vision HDL Toolbox design back 
% to the camera format.   
% This example converts Camera Link(R) signals to the |pixelcontrol| structure,
% inverts the pixels with a Vision HDL Toolbox object, and converts the 
% control signals back to the Camera Link format. 
% You can generate HDL code from the three functions in this example.
%% Create Input Data in Camera Link Format
% The Camera Link format consists of three control signals: F indicates the
% valid frame, L indicates each valid line, and D indicates each valid pixel.
% For this example, create input vectors in the Camera Link format to 
% represent a basic padded video frame. The vectors describe this 2-by-3,
% 8-bit grayscale frame. In the figure, the active image area is in the dashed
% rectangle, and the inactive pixels surround it. The pixels are labeled 
% with their grayscale values.
% <<../NewCustomCtrlSignals_pixelstream_2x3.png>>
F = logical([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
L = logical([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
D = logical([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
pixel = uint8([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,60,90,0,0,0,120,150,180,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
%% Design Vision HDL Toolbox Algorithm 
% Create a function to invert the image using Vision HDL Toolbox algorithms.
% The function contains a System object that supports HDL code generation. 
% This function expects and returns a pixel and associated control signals 
% in Vision HDL Toolbox format. 
% <include>Invert.m</include>
%% Convert Camera Link Control Signals to |pixelcontrol| Format
% Write a custom System object to convert Camera Link signals to the Vision HDL
% Toolbox control signal format. The object converts the control signals, 
% and then calls the |pixelcontrolstruct| function to create the structure 
% expected by the Vision HDL Toolbox System objects. This code snippet shows
% the logic to convert the signals. 
%    ctrl = pixelcontrolstruct(obj.hStartOutReg,obj.hEndOutReg,...
%                         obj.vStartOutReg,obj.vEndOutReg,obj.validOutReg);
%    vStart = obj.FReg && ~obj.FPrevReg;
%    vEnd = ~F && obj.FReg;
%    hStart = obj.LReg && ~obj.LPrevReg;
%    hEnd = ~L && obj.LReg;
%    obj.vStartOutReg = vStart;
%    obj.vEndOutReg = vEnd;
%    obj.hStartOutReg = hStart;
%    obj.hEndOutReg = hEnd;
%    obj.validOutReg = obj.DReg;
% The object stores the input and output control signal values in registers.
% |vStart| goes high for one cycle at the start of |F|. |vEnd| goes high for
% one cycle at the end of |F|. |hStart| and |hEnd| are derived similarly 
% from |L|. The object returns the current value of |ctrl| each time you 
% call the |step| method.
% This processing adds two cycles of delay to the control signals. The object 
% passes through the pixel value after matching delay cycles. For the 
% complete code for the System object, see <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'examples','visionhdl','CAMERALINKtoVHT_Adapter.m')) CAMERALINKtoVHT_Adapter.m>.
%% Convert |pixelcontrol| to Camera Link
% Write a custom System object to convert Vision HDL Toolbox signals back to
% the Camera Link format. The object calls the |pixelcontrolsignals| function
% to flatten the control structure into its component signals. Then it computes 
% the equivalent Camera Link signals. This code snippet shows the logic to 
% convert the signals.
%    [hStart,hEnd,vStart,vEnd,valid] = pixelcontrolsignals(ctrl);
%    Fnew = (~obj.FOutReg && vStart) || (obj.FPrevReg && ~obj.vEndReg); 
%    Lnew = (~obj.LOutReg && hStart) || (obj.LPrevReg && ~obj.hEndReg);
%    obj.FOutReg = Fnew;
%    obj.LOutReg = Lnew;
%    obj.DOutReg = valid;
% The object stores the input and output control signal values in registers.
% |F| is high from |vStart| to |vEnd|. |L| is high from |hStart| to |hEnd|. 
% The object returns the current values of |FOutReg|, |LOutReg|, and |DOutReg|
% each time you call the |step| method.
% This processing adds one cycle of delay to the control signals. The object
% passes through the pixel value after a matching delay cycle. For the 
% complete code for the System object, see <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'examples','visionhdl','VHTtoCAMERALINK_Adapter.m')) VHTtoCAMERALINKAdapter.m>.
%% Create Conversion Functions That Support HDL Code Generation
% Wrap the converter System objects in functions, similar to |InvertImage|,
% so you can generate HDL code for these algorithms. 
% <include>CameraLinkToVisionHDL.m</include>
% See 
% <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'examples','visionhdl','CameraLinkToVisionHDL.m')) CameraLinkToVisionHDL.m>, and <matlab:edit(fullfile(matlabroot,'examples','visionhdl','VisionHDLToCameraLink.m')) VisionHDLToCameraLink.m>.
%% Write a Test Bench
% To invert a Camera Link pixel stream using these components, write a test
% bench script that: 
% # Preallocates output vectors to reduce simulation time
% # Converts the Camera Link control signals for each pixel to the Vision HDL 
% Toolbox format
% # Calls the |Invert| function to flip each pixel value  
% # Converts the control signals for that pixel back to the Camera Link format 
[~,numPixelsPerFrame] = size(pixel);
pixOut = zeros(numPixelsPerFrame,1,'uint8');
pixel_d = zeros(numPixelsPerFrame,1,'uint8');
pixOut_d = zeros(numPixelsPerFrame,1,'uint8');
DOut = false(numPixelsPerFrame,1);
FOut = false(numPixelsPerFrame,1);
LOut = false(numPixelsPerFrame,1);
ctrl = repmat(pixelcontrolstruct,numPixelsPerFrame,1);
ctrlOut = repmat(pixelcontrolstruct,numPixelsPerFrame,1);

for p = 1:numPixelsPerFrame  
  [pixel_d(p),ctrl(p)] = CameraLinkToVisionHDL(pixel(p),F(p),L(p),D(p));
  [pixOut(p),ctrlOut(p)] = Invert(pixel_d(p),ctrl(p));
  [pixOut_d(p),FOut(p),LOut(p),DOut(p)] = VisionHDLToCameraLink(pixOut(p),ctrlOut(p));
%% View Results
% The resulting vectors represent this inverted 2-by-3, 8-bit grayscale 
% frame. In the figure, the active image area is in the dashed
% rectangle, and the inactive pixels surround it. The pixels are labeled 
% with their grayscale values. 
% <<../NewCustomCtrlSignals_InverseFrame_2x3.png>>
% If you have a DSP System Toolbox(TM) license, you can view the vectors as 
% signals over time using the Logic Analyzer. This waveform shows the 
% |pixelcontrol| and Camera Link control signals, the starting pixel values,
% and the delayed pixel values after each operation. 
% <<../NewCustomCtrlSignals_Waveform.png>>