www.gusucode.com > visionhdl 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > visionhdl/DemosaicSysObjExample.m

    %% Demosaic a Bayer Pattern Image
% This example constructs full RGB pixel data from a Bayer pattern thumbnail 
% image.
% Set the dimensions of the test image. Load the source image file. This 
% image is in Bayer pattern: each pixel is represented by one value, 
% alternating green values with red and blue values. Then select a portion 
% of the image matching the desired test size. These offsets select the face
% of the woman in the image.
frmActivePixels = 256;
frmActiveLines = 192;
frmOrig = imread('mandi.tif');
frmInput = frmOrig(900:899+frmActiveLines, 2350:2349+frmActivePixels);
title 'Input Image'
% Create a serializer object and specify size of the inactive pixel
% regions. 
frm2pix = visionhdl.FrameToPixels(...
% Create an interpolator object. Specify the sequence of color values 
% matching the 2-by-2 pixels in the top-left corner of the image.
BayerInterpolator = visionhdl.DemosaicInterpolator(...
   'SensorAlignment', 'RGGB');
% Serialize the test image. |pixIn| is a vector of pixel values. |ctrlIn| is
% a vector of control signal structures. 
[pixIn,ctrlIn] = step(frm2pix,frmInput);
% Set up variables, and generate the {R,G,B} triplet for each pixel in the
% stream. This example prints a progress message every 32 lines. 
[pixels,lines,numPixelsPerFrame] = getparamfromfrm2pix(frm2pix);
ctrlOut  = repmat(pixelcontrolstruct,numPixelsPerFrame,1);
pixOut = zeros(numPixelsPerFrame,3,'uint8');
lineCount = 1;
for p = 1:numPixelsPerFrame 
    if ctrlIn(p).hEnd
         lineCount = lineCount+1;
         if mod(lineCount,32)==0
              fprintf('Processing... line %d\n',lineCount);
    [pixOut(p,:),ctrlOut(p)] = step(BayerInterpolator,pixIn(p),ctrlIn(p));
% Create a deserializer object with a format matching that of the
% serializer. Convert the pixel stream to an image frame, and display the
% result.
pix2frm = visionhdl.PixelsToFrame(...
[frmOutput,frmValid] = step(pix2frm,pixOut,ctrlOut);
if frmValid
    title 'Output Image'