www.gusucode.com > vnt 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > vnt/demoVNTSL_CANReplayAndLogExample.m

    %% Log and Replay CAN Messages
% This example shows you how to log and replay CAN messages using Vector
% Virtual CAN channels in Simulink(R). You can update this model to 
% connect to supported hardware on your system.

% Copyright 2011-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Load CAN Message
% To use this example, navigate to the product demos folder. 
cd (matlabroot)
cd toolbox\vnt\vntdemos

% Load the saved CAN message from |sourceMsgs.mat| file from the demos
% folder. The file contains CAN messages representing a 90 second
% drive cycle around a test track. 
% Convert these messages to a format compatible with the CAN Replay block
% and save it to a separate file.
load SourceMsgs.mat
canMsgs = vntslgate('privatecanslconvertmsgs', canMsgObjects);
save DriveReplay.mat canMsgs

%% CAN Replay Model 
% This model contains:
% * A CAN Replay block that transmits to |Vector Virtual Channel 1|. 
% * A CAN Receive block that receives the messages on a CAN network,
% through |Vector Virtual Channel 2|. 
% The CAN Receive block is configured to block all extended IDs and allow
% only the |WheelSpeed| message with the standard ID |1200| to pass.
% <<../demoVNTSL_CANReplayAndLog_Model1.png>>

% The Wheel Speeds subsystem unpacks the wheel speed information from
% the received CAN messages and plots them to a scope. The subsystem also 
% logs the messages to a file.
% <<../demoVNTSL_CANReplayAndLog_Model2.png>>

%% Visualize Wheel Speed Imformation
% The plot shows the wheel speed for all wheels for the duration of the
% test drive.
% <<../demoVNTSL_CANReplayAndLog_Scope.png>>

%% Load the Logged Message File
% The CAN Log block creates a unique file each time you run the model. Use
% |dir| in the MATLAB Command Window to find the latest log file. 
dir WheelSpeeds*.mat
load WheelSpeeds_2011-May-03_020634.mat

%% Convert Logged Messages to MATLAB Objects
% Use |canMessage| to convert messages logged during the simulation to
% MATLAB objects that you can use in the command window. 
% To access message signals directly, attach the appropriate database file
% to the message. The database applies definitions to the converted
% messages.
db = canDatabase('VehicleInfo.dbc')
wheelSpeedMsgObjects = canMessage(outMsgs, db)

% Vector CAN Virtual channels were used for this example. You can however
% connect your models to other supported hardware.