www.gusucode.com > vnt 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > vnt/demoVNT_HandlingCANMessages.m

    %% Parse Raw CAN Messages and Data
% This example shows you how to use various Vehicle Network Toolbox(TM) 
% commands to parse CAN messages and unpack raw signal data. 
% Copyright 2009-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Load a Message Log
% For this example, you can load the |demoVNT_HandlingCANMessages.mat|
% file. It contains a log of CAN messages.
load demoVNT_HandlingCANMessages.mat

%% Extract the Most Recent Messages
% Use the |extractRecent| command to obtain the most recent messages per 
% each unique CAN identifier from an array of messages.

% You can specify a specific message to return by identifier.
mostRecentMsg400 = extractRecent(msgLog, 400, false)

% You can also obtain the most recent instance of each unique message
% in the log.
mostRecentMsgs = extractRecent(msgLog)

% Plotting the most recent instance of each CAN message against their 
% timestamps gives an indication on the time at which each occurred.
plot([mostRecentMsgs.Timestamp], [mostRecentMsgs.ID], 'x')
title('Most Recent Instance of Each Unique Message', 'FontWeight', 'bold')
axis([0 6 0 2047])
ylabel('CAN Identifier')

%% Extract Messages with Respect to Time
% The |extractTime| command allows you to parse a message log based on the 
% message timestamps to return all messages occurring within a time range.
timeExtractedMsgs = extractTime(msgLog, 1, 2.5)

% Plotting the result of the extraction by time shows that only the
% messages within the time range were provided as output.
plot([timeExtractedMsgs.Timestamp], [timeExtractedMsgs.ID], 'x')
title('Messages Occurring Within a Defined Time Range', 'FontWeight', 'bold')
axis([0 6 0 2047])
ylabel('CAN Identifier')

%% Extract All Messages
% The |extractAll| command returns all instances of a specific message 
% from a larger array. It also returns everything else except the 
% specified message identifier as a remainder.
[allMsg400, remainder] = extractAll(msgLog, 400, false)

%% Extraction Commands in Sequence
% Extraction commands work together in sequence. For example, you can 
% extract by time and then by identifier on the output of the time-based 
% operation.
timeExtractedMsgs = extractTime(msgLog, 2, 4)
allMsg600 = extractAll(timeExtractedMsgs, 600, false)

%% Unpack Signal Data
% Obtaining data from a CAN message can often be a complex operation given
% signal definition complexity (signed/unsigned, little/big endian, etc). 
% The |unpack| command simplifies access to raw signal data by taking 
% signal definition information as input. In this example, you can take 
% the output of the last extraction operation and unpack a
% signal from each message in the array.
signalValues = unpack(allMsg600, 0, 16, 'LittleEndian', 'int16')

% Plotting the signals values against their timestamps allows you to 
% analyze how the signal changed over time.
plot([allMsg600.Timestamp], signalValues)
title('Signal Value from Message 600', 'FontWeight', 'bold')
ylabel('Signal Value')
axis([0 6 -40000 40000])