www.gusucode.com > vnt 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > vnt/demoXCP_AccessXCPA2LFiles.m

    %% Access XCP A2L Files
% This example shows how to access information stored in A2L files for
% use with XCP connections. It uses a freely available XCP slave simulator
% from Vector and Vector Virtual CAN channels.
% Copyright 2012-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Run a Slave Simulator
% This example requires installing a free, third-party XCP implementation 
% from Vector. The package includes an XCP slave simulator and A2L file. To
% install this driver, please follow these instructions:
% # Go to www.vector.com and navigate to the "DOWNLOADS" page.
% # Search for "Demos" under "Categories" and "XCP" under "Standards".
% # Download and install the available version of "XCP Sample 
%   Implementation".
% # In MATLAB, navigate to where you installed the sample package, and
%   then go to .\Samples\XCPSim\CANape.
% # The MATLAB XCP examples will use the XCPSIM.a2l file and the
%   XCPsim.exe slave simulator. Run XCPsim.exe.

%% Open an A2L File
% Open an A2L file to parse and inspect the contents and make it usable for
% subsequent XCP activities.
a2lObj = xcpA2L('XCPSIM.a2l')

%% Inspect A2L Information
% The properties of the A2L file object allow you to inspect the many
% configuration parameters contained within the file. Of special note is
% the |Measurements| property which contains the names of all available 
% measurements for use in DAQ/STIM lists.

%% Query for Event Information
% Use the |getEventInfo| command to retrieve detailed information about an
% event by name.
getEventInfo(a2lObj, '10 ms')

%% Query for Measurement Information
% Use the |getMeasurementInfo| command to retrieve detailed information 
% about a measurement by name.
getMeasurementInfo(a2lObj, 'Triangle')