www.gusucode.com > wavelet 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wavelet/AnalyticWaveletsUsingtheDualTreeWaveletTransformExample.m

    %% Analytic Wavelets Using the Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform  
% This example shows how to create approximately analytic wavelets using
% the dual-tree complex wavelet transform. The example demonstrates that
% you cannot arbitrarily choose the analysis (decomposition) and synthesis
% (reconstruction) filters to obtain an approximately analytic wavelet.
% The FIR filters in the two filter banks must be carefully constructed
% in order to obtain an approximately analytic wavelet transform and derive
% the benefits of the dual-tree transform.   

% Obtain the lowpass and highpass analysis filters. 
DF = dtfilters('dtf1'); 

% |DF| is a 1-by-2 cell array of $N$-by-2 matrices containing the first-stage
% lowpass and highpass filters, |DF{1}|, and the lowpass and highpass filters
% for subsequent stages, |DF{2}|.  

% Create the zero signal 256 samples in length. Obtain two dual-tree transforms
% of the zero signal down to level 5. 
x = zeros(256,1);
wt1 = dddtree('cplxdt',x,5,DF{1},DF{2});
wt2 = dddtree('cplxdt',x,5,DF{1},DF{2});  

% Set a single level-five detail coefficient in each of the two trees to
% 1 and invert the transform to obtain the wavelets. 
wt1.cfs{5}(5,1,1) = 1;
wt2.cfs{5}(5,1,2) = 1;
wav1 = idddtree(wt1);
wav2 = idddtree(wt2);  

% Form the complex wavelet using the first tree as the real part and the
% second tree as the imaginary part. Plot the real and imaginary parts of
% the wavelet. 
analwav = wav1+1i*wav2;
plot(real(analwav)); hold on;
axis tight;
legend('Real part','Imaginary part','Magnitude','Location','Northwest');     

% Fourier transform the analytic wavelet and plot the magnitude. 
zdft = fft(analwav);
domega = (2*pi)/length(analwav);
omega = 0:domega:(2*pi)-domega;

% The Fourier transform of the wavelet has support on essentially only half
% of the frequency axis.  

% Repeat the preceding procedure with two arbitrarily chosen orthogonal
% wavelets, |'db4'| and |'sym4'|. 
[LoD1,HiD1] = wfilters('db4');
[LoD2, HiD2] = wfilters('sym4');
df = {[LoD1' HiD1'],[LoD2',HiD2']};
wt1 = dddtree('cplxdt',x,5,df,df);
wt2 = dddtree('cplxdt',x,5,df,df);
wt1.cfs{5}(5,1,1) = 1;
wt2.cfs{5}(5,1,2) = 1;
wav1 = idddtree(wt1);
wav2 = idddtree(wt2);
analwav = wav1+1i*wav2;
zdft = fft(analwav);
domega = (2*pi)/length(analwav);
omega = 0:domega:(2*pi)-domega;

% Using arbitrary orthogonal wavelets in the two trees does not result in
% approximately analytic wavelets. The Fourier transform of the resulting
% wavelet has support over the entire frequency axis.