www.gusucode.com > wavelet 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wavelet/Coefficientsfrom1DComplexDualTreeWaveletTransformExample.m

    %% Coefficients from 1-D Complex Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform  

% Load the noisy Doppler signal. Obtain the complex dual-tree transform
% down to level 3. 
load noisdopp;
wt = dddtree('cplxdt',noisdopp,3,'dtf1');  

% Create a cell array of vectors to obtain the second- and third-level detail
% coefficients from each of the wavelet filter bank trees. 
outputindices = {[2 1]; [2 2]; [3 1]; [3 2]}; 

% The first element of each vector in the cell array denotes the level,
% or stage. The second element denotes the tree.  

% Extract the detail coefficients. 
out = dddtreecfs('e',wt,'ind',outputindices); 

% |out| is a 1-by-4 cell array. The cell array elements contain the wavelet
% coefficients corresponding to the elements in |outputindices|. For example,
% |out{1}| contains the level-two detail coefficients from the first tree.