www.gusucode.com > wavelet 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wavelet/ExtractDiagonalFeaturesfromImageExample.m

    %% Extract Diagonal Features from Image  
% Use the complex dual-tree wavelet transform to isolate diagonal features
% in an image at +45 and –45 degrees.   

% Load and display the |xbox| image. 
load xbox;

% Obtain the complex dual-tree wavelet transform down to level 3. 
fdf = dtfilters('FSfarras');
df = dtfilters('qshift10');
wt = dddtree2('cplxdt',xbox,3,fdf,df);  

% Isolate the +45 and -45 diagonal image features in the level-one wavelet
% coefficients. Plot the result. 
out = dddtreecfs('e',wt,'ind',{[1 3 1 2]; [1 3 2 2]},'plot');