www.gusucode.com > wavelet 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wavelet/TimeFrequencyAnalysisWithTheCWTExample.m

    %% Time-Frequency Analysis of Modulated Signals
% This example shows how to use the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to
% analyze signals jointly in time and frequency.

% Load a quadratic chirp signal and plot its spectrogram. The signal's 
% frequency begins at approximately 500 Hz at t = 0, decreases to 100 Hz 
% at t=2, and increases back to 500 Hz at t=4. The sampling frequency is
% 1 kHz.
load quadchirp;
fs = 1000;
[S,F,T] = spectrogram(quadchirp,100,98,128,fs);
helperCWTTimeFreqPlot(S,T,F,'surf','STFT of Quadratic Chirp','Seconds','Hz')
% Obtain a time-frequency plot of this signal using the CWT with a bump
% wavelet. The bump wavelet is a good choice for the CWT when your signals are
% oscillatory and you are more interested in time-frequency analysis than
% localization of transients.
[cfs,f] = cwt(quadchirp,'bump',fs);
helperCWTTimeFreqPlot(cfs,tquad,f,'surf','CWT of Quadratic Chirp','Seconds','Hz')

% The CWT clearly shows the time evolution of the quadratic chirp's
% frequency. The quadratic chirp is a frequency-modulated signal. While
% that signal is synthetic, frequency and amplitude modulation occur
% frequently in natural signals as well. Use the CWT to obtain a 
% time-frequency analysis of an echolocation pulse emitted by a big brown 
% bat (Eptesicus Fuscus). The sampling interval is 7 microseconds. Use the
% bump wavelet with 32 voices per octave. Thanks to Curtis Condon, Ken 
% White, and Al Feng of the Beckman Center at the University of Illinois 
% for the bat data and permission to use it in this example.
load batsignal
t = 0:DT:(numel(batsignal)*DT)-DT;
[cfs,f] = cwt(batsignal,'bump',1/DT,'VoicesPerOctave',32);
helperCWTTimeFreqPlot(cfs,t.*1e6,f./1e3,'surf','Bat Echolocation (CWT)',...
% Obtain and plot the STFT of the bat data.
[S,F,T] = spectrogram(batsignal,50,48,128,1/DT);
helperCWTTimeFreqPlot(S,T.*1e6,F./1e3,'surf','Bat Echolocation (STFT)',...
% For both the simulated and natural modulated signals, the CWT provides
% results similar to the STFT.

% For the final example, obtain a time-frequency analysis of some
% seismograph data recorded during the 1995 Kobe earthquake. The data are
% seismograph (vertical acceleration, nm/sq.sec) measurements recorded at
% Tasmania University, HobarTRUE, Australia on 16 January 1995 beginning at
% 20:56:51 (GMTRUE) and continuing for 51 minutes at 1 second intervals.
% Use a bump wavelet.
load kobe;
dt = 1;
title('CWT of 1995 Kobe Earthquake Seismograph Data');