www.gusucode.com > wavelet 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wavelet/TwoDCycleSpinningExample.m

    %% 2-D Cycle Spinning  
% This example shows how to denoise an image using cycle spinning with $8^{2}$
% = 64 shifts.   

% Load the sine image and add zero-mean white Gaussian noise with a variance
% of 5. 
load sinsin;
rng default;
Xnoisy = X+sqrt(5)*randn(size(X));
imagesc(X); colormap(jet);
title('Original Image');
imagesc(Xnoisy); title('Noisy Image');     

% Determine the universal threshold from the level-1 detail coefficients.
% Use the B-spline biorthogonal wavelet with 3 vanishing moments in the
% reconstruction wavelet and 5 vanishing moments in the decomposition wavelet. 
wname = 'bior3.5';
[C,S] = wavedec2(Xnoisy,1,wname);
Cdet = C(4097:end);
THR = thselect(Cdet,'sqtwolog');  

% Create a grid of 8 shifts in both the X and Y directions. This results
% in a total of 64 shifts. 
N = 8;
[deltaX, deltaY] = ndgrid(0:N-1,0:N-1);  

% Allocate a matrix of zeros the size of the image for the cycle spinning
% result. Specify soft thresholding and set the level to 3. 
Xspin = zeros(size(X));
sorh = 's';
level = 3;  

% Use cycle spinning denoising and display the result. 
for nn =1:N^2

    Xshift = circshift(Xnoisy, [deltaX(nn) deltaY(nn)]);
    [coefs,sizes] = wavedec2(Xshift,level,wname);
    [XDEN,cfsDEN,dimCFS] = wdencmp('gbl',coefs,sizes, ...
    XDEN = circshift(XDEN, -[deltaX(nn) deltaY(nn)]);
    Xspin = Xspin*(nn-1)/nn+XDEN/nn;


imagesc(X); colormap(jet);
title('Original Image');
imagesc(Xspin); title('Cycle Spinning');     

% Denoise the image using the identical parameters with the nonredundant
% DWT. Compare the peak signal-to-noise (PSNR), mean square error, and energy
% ratios obtained with cycle spinning and the nonredundant DWT. 
[coefs,sizes] = wavedec2(Xnoisy,level,wname);
[XDEN,cfsDEN,dimCFS] = wdencmp('gbl',coefs,sizes,wname,3,THR,'s',1);
[PSNRcs,MSEcs,~,L2RATcs] = measerr(X,Xspin)
[PSNR,MSE,~,L2RAT] = measerr(X,XDEN) 

% The error measures show that cycle spinning has improved the image approximation.
% The PSNR, mean square error, and energy ratio are all better in the image
% denoised with cycle spinning.