www.gusucode.com > wavelet 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wavelet/WaveletChangepointDetectionExample.m

    %% Wavelet Changepoint Detection
% This example shows how to use wavelets to detect changes in the variance
% of a process. Changes in variance are important because they often
% indicate that something fundamental has changed about the data-generating
% mechanism.
% The first example applies wavelet changepoint detection to a very old
% time series -- the Nile river minima data for the years 622 to 1281 AD.
% The river-level minima were measured at the Roda gauge near Cairo. 
% Measurements are in meters.
% Load and plot the data.
load nileriverminima;
years = 622:1284;
title('Nile River Minimum levels');
AX = gca;
AX.XTick = 622:100:1222;
grid on;
% Construction began on a new measuring device around 715 AD. Examining the
% data prior to and after approximately 722 AD, there appears to be a
% change in the variability of the data. You can use wavelets to explore
% the hypothesis that the variability of the measurements has been affected
% by the introduction of a new measuring device.
% Obtain a multiresolution analysis (MRA) of the data using the Haar
% wavelet.
wt = modwt(nileriverminima,'haar',4);
mra = modwtmra(wt,'haar');
% Plot the MRA and focus on the level-one and level-two details.
plot(years,mra(1,:)); title('Level 1 Details');
plot(years,mra(2,:)); title('Level 2 Details');
AX = gca;
AX.XTick = 622:100:1222;
%  Apply an overall change of variance test to the wavelet coefficients. 
for JJ = 1:5
    pts_Opt = wvarchg(wt(JJ,:),2);
    changepoints{JJ} = pts_Opt;
cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x),changepoints,'uni',0)
% Determine the year corresponding to the detected change of variance.
% Split the data into two segments. The first segment includes the years
% 622 to 721 when the fine-scale wavelet coefficients indicate a change in
% variance. The second segment contains the years 722 to 1284.
% Obtain unbiased estimates of the wavelet variance by scale.
tspre = nileriverminima(1:100);
tspost = nileriverminima(101:end);
wpre = modwt(tspre,'haar',4);
wpost = modwt(tspost,'haar',4);
wvarpre = modwtvar(wpre,'haar',0.95,'table')
wvarpost = modwtvar(wpost,'haar',0.95,'table')
% Compare the results.

Vpre = table2array(wvarpre);
Vpost = table2array(wvarpost);
Vpre = Vpre(1:end-1,2:end);
Vpost = Vpost(1:end-1,2:end);

Vpre(:,1) = Vpre(:,2)-Vpre(:,1);
Vpre(:,3) = Vpre(:,3)-Vpre(:,2);

Vpost(:,1) = Vpost(:,2)-Vpost(:,1);
Vpost(:,3) = Vpost(:,3)-Vpost(:,2);

errorbar(1:4,Vpre(:,2),Vpre(:,1),Vpre(:,3),'ko','markerfacecolor',[0 0 0]);
hold on;
errorbar(1.5:4.5,Vpost(:,2),Vpost(:,1),Vpost(:,3),'b^','markerfacecolor',[0 0 1]);
set(gca,'xticklabel',{'2 Year','4 Years', '8 Years', '16 Years','32 Years'});
grid on;
title('Wavelet Variance 622-721 and 722-1284 by Scale','fontsize',14);
legend('Years 622-721','Years 722-1284','Location','NorthEast');
% The wavelet variance indicates a significant change in variance between
% the 622-721 and 722-1284 data over scales of 2 and 4 years.
% The above example used the Haar wavelet filter with only two coefficients
% because of concern over boundary effects with the relatively small time
% series (100 samples from 622-721). If your data are approximately first
% or second-order difference stationary, you can substitute the biased
% estimate using the 'reflection' boundary. This permits you to use a
% longer wavelet filter without worrying about boundary coefficients.
% Repeat the analysis using the default 'sym4' wavelet.
wpre = modwt(tspre,4,'reflection');
wpost = modwt(tspost,4,'reflection');
wvarpre = modwtvar(wpre,[],[],'EstimatorType','biased','Boundary','reflection','table');
wvarpost = modwtvar(wpost,[],[],'EstimatorType','biased','Boundary','reflection','table');
% Plot the results.
Vpre = table2array(wvarpre);
Vpost = table2array(wvarpost);
Vpre = Vpre(1:end-1,2:end);
Vpost = Vpost(1:end-1,2:end);

Vpre(:,1) = Vpre(:,2)-Vpre(:,1);
Vpre(:,3) = Vpre(:,3)-Vpre(:,2);

Vpost(:,1) = Vpost(:,2)-Vpost(:,1);
Vpost(:,3) = Vpost(:,3)-Vpost(:,2);

errorbar(1:4,Vpre(:,2),Vpre(:,1),Vpre(:,3),'ko','markerfacecolor',[0 0 0]);
hold on;
errorbar(1.5:4.5,Vpost(:,2),Vpost(:,1),Vpost(:,3),'b^','markerfacecolor',[0 0 1]);
set(gca,'xticklabel',{'2 Years','4 Years', '8 Years', '16 Years','32 Years'});
grid on;
title({'Wavelet Variance 622-721 and 722-1284 by Scale'; ...
    'Biased Estimate -- Reflection Boundary'},'fontsize',14);
hold off;
% The conclusion is reinforced. There is a significant difference in the
% variance of the data over scales of 2 and 4 years, but not at longer
% scales. You can conclude that something has changed about the process
% variance.
% In financial time series, you can use wavelets to detect changes in
% volatility. To illustrate this, consider the quarterly chain-weighted
% U.S. real GDP data for 1974Q1 to 2012Q4. The data were transformed by
% first taking the natural logarithm and then calculating the
% year-over-year difference. Obtain the wavelet transform (MODWT) of the
% real GDP data down to level six with the 'db2' wavelet. Examine the
% variance of the data and compare that to the variances by scale obtained
% with the MODWT.

load GDPcomponents
realgdpwt = modwt(realgdp,'db2',6,'reflection');
gdpmra = modwtmra(realgdpwt,'db2','reflection');
vardata = var(realgdp,1);
varwt = var(realgdpwt(:,1:numel(realgdp)),1,2);
% In |vardata| you have the variance for the aggregate GDP time series. In
% |varwt| you have the variance by scale for the MODWT. There are seven
% elements in |varwt| because you obtained the MODWT down to level six
% resulting in six wavelet coefficient variances and one scaling
% coefficient variance. Sum the variances by scale to see that the variance
% is preserved. Plot the wavelet variances by scale ignoring the scaling
% coefficient variance.

totalMODWTvar = sum(varwt);
AX = gca;
AX.XTickLabels = {'[2 4)','[4 8)','[8 16)','[16 32)','[32 64)','[64 128)'};
title('Wavelet Variance by Scale')
% Because this data is quarterly, the first scale captures variations
% between two and four quarters, the second scale between four and eight,
% the third between 8 and 16, and so on.
% From the MODWT and a simple bar plot, you see that cycles in the data
% between 8 and 32 quarters account for the largest variance in the GDP
% data. If you consider the wavelet variances at these scales, they account
% for 57% of the variability in the GDP data. This means that oscillations
% in the GDP over a period of 2 to 8 years account for most of the
% variability seen in the time series.

% Plot the level-one details, D1. These details capture oscillations in the
% data between two and four quarters in duration.

    'Year over Year Real U.S. GDP - D1')
% Examining the level-one details, it appears there is a reduction of
% variance beginning in the 1980s. 
% Test the level-one wavelet coefficients for signficant variance
% changepoints.

pts_Opt = wvarchg(realgdpwt(1,1:numel(realgdp)),2);
% There is a variance changepoint identified in 1982. This example does not
% correct for the delay introduced by the 'db2' wavelet at level one.
% However, that delay is only two samples so it does not appreciably affect
% the results.
% To assess changes in the volatility of the GDP data pre and post 1982,
% split the original data into pre- and post-changepoint series. Obtain the
% wavelet transforms of the pre and post datasets. In this case, the series
% are relatively short so use the Haar wavelet to minimize the number of
% boundary coefficients. Compute unbiased estimates of the wavelet variance
% by scale and plot the result.

tspre = realgdp(1:pts_Opt);
tspost = realgdp(pts_Opt+1:end);
wtpre = modwt(tspre,'haar',5);
wtpost = modwt(tspost,'haar',5);
prevar = modwtvar(wtpre,'haar','table');
postvar = modwtvar(wtpost,'haar','table');
xlab = {'[2Q,4Q)','[4Q,8Q)','[8Q,16Q)','[16Q,32Q)','[32Q,64Q)'};
title('Wavelet Variance By Scale');
legend('Pre 1982 Q2','Post 1982 Q2','Location','NorthWest');
% From the preceding plot, it appears there are significant differences
% between the pre-1982Q2 and post-1982Q2 variances at scales between 2 and
% 16 quarters.
% Because the time series are so short in this example, it can be useful to
% use biased estimates of the variance. Biased estimates do not remove
% boundary coefficients. Use a 'db2' wavelet filter with four coefficients.

wtpre = modwt(tspre,'db2',5,'reflection');
wtpost = modwt(tspost,'db2',5,'reflection');
prevar = modwtvar(wtpre,'db2',0.95,'EstimatorType','biased','table');
postvar = modwtvar(wtpost,'db2',0.95,'EstimatorType','biased','table');
xlab = {'[2Q,4Q)','[4Q,8Q)','[8Q,16Q)','[16Q,32Q)','[32Q,64Q)'};
title('Wavelet Variance By Scale');
legend('Pre 1982 Q2','Post 1982 Q2','Location','NorthWest');
% The results confirm our original finding that there is a reduction in 
% volatility over scales from 2 to 16 quarters.
% Using the wavelet transform allows you to focus on scales where the
% change in volatility is localized. To see this, examine a plot of the
% raw data along with the level-one wavelet details.
    'Year over Year Real U.S. GDP -- Raw Data')
    'Year over Year Real U.S. GDP -- Wavelet Level 1 Details')
% The shaded region is referred to as the "Great Moderation" signifying a
% period of decreased macroeconomic volatility in the U.S. beginning in the
% mid 1980s.
% Examining the aggregate data, it is not clear that there is in fact
% reduced volatility in this period. However, the wavelet level-one details
% uncover the change in volatility.