www.gusucode.com > wavelet 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wavelet/WaveletPrincipalComponentAnalysisofNoisyMultivariateSignExample.m

    %% Wavelet Principal Component Analysis of Noisy Multivariate Signal  
% Use wavelet multiscale principal component analysis to denoise a multivariate
% signal.   

% Load the dataset consisting of 4 signals of length 1024. Plot the original
% signals and the signals with additive noise. 
load ex4mwden;
kp = 0;
for i = 1:4
    subplot(4,2,kp+1), plot(x_orig(:,i)); axis tight;
    title(['Original signal ',num2str(i)])
    subplot(4,2,kp+2), plot(x(:,i)); axis tight;
    title(['Noisy signal ',num2str(i)])
    kp = kp + 2;

% Perform the first multiscale wavelet PCA using the Daubechies’ least-asymmetric
% wavelet with 4 vanishing moments, |sym4|. Obtain the multiresolution decomposition
% down to level 5. Use the heuristic rule to decide how many principal components
% to retain. 
level = 5;
wname = 'sym4';
npc = 'heur';
[x_sim, qual, npc] = wmspca(x,level,wname,npc);  

% Plot the result and examine the quality of the approximation. 
kp = 0;
for i = 1:4
    subplot(4,2,kp+1), plot(x(:,i)); axis tight;
    title(['Noisy signal ',num2str(i)])
    subplot(4,2,kp+2), plot(x_sim(:,i)); axis tight;
    title(['First PCA ',num2str(i)])
    kp = kp + 2;

% The quality results are all close to 100%. The |npc| vector gives the
% number of principal components retained at each level.  

% Suppress the noise by removing the principal components at levels 1–3.
% Perform the multiscale PCA again. 
npc(1:3) = zeros(1,3);
[x_sim, qual, npc] = wmspca(x,level,wname,npc);  

% Plot the result. 
kp = 0;
for i = 1:4
    subplot(4,2,kp+1), plot(x(:,i)); axis tight;
    title(['Noisy signal ',num2str(i)])
    subplot(4,2,kp+2), plot(x_sim(:,i)); axis tight;
    title(['Second PCA ',num2str(i)])
    kp = kp + 2;