www.gusucode.com > wavelet 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wavelet/cwtftdemo.m

    %% Frequency- and Time-Localized Reconstruction from the Continuous Wavelet Transform 
% Reconstruct a frequency-localized approximation of Kobe earthquake data.
% Extract information from the CWT for frequencies in the range of
% [0.030, 0.070] Hz.

load kobe;

% Obtain the CWT of the data.
[wt,f] = cwt(kobe,1);

% Reconstruct the earthquake data, adding the signal mean back into the
% transformed data.
xrec = icwt(wt,f,[0.030 0.070],'SignalMean',mean(kobe));
% Plot and compare the original data and the data for frequencies in the
% range of [0.030, 0.070] Hz.
plot(kobe); grid on;
title('Original Data');
plot(xrec); grid on;
title('Bandpass Filtered Reconstruction [0.030 0.070] Hz');

% You can also use time periods, instead of frequency, with the CWT. 
% Load the El Nino data and obtain its CWT, specifying the time period in 
% years.
load ninoairdata;
[cfs,period] = cwt(nino,years(1/12));
% Obtain the inverse CWT for years 2 through 8.
xrec = icwt(cfs,period,[years(2) years(8)]);

% Plot the CWT of the reconstructed data. Note the absence of energy
% outside the band of periods from 2 to 8 years.

% Compare the original data with the reconstructed data for years 2 thorugh
% 8.
plot(nino); grid on;
title('Original Data');
plot(xrec); grid on;
title('El Nino Data - Years 2-8');