www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/CreateWlanVHTConfigObjectForTwoUsersExample.m

    %% Create wlanVHTConfig Object for Two Users
% Create a VHT configuration object for a 20MHz two-user configuration and
% one antenna per user.

% Create a |wlanVHTConfig| object using a combination of |Name,Value| pairs
% and in-line initialization to change default settings. Vector-valued
% properties apply user-specific settings.
cfgMU = wlanVHTConfig('ChannelBandwidth','CBW20','NumUsers',2, ...

cfgMU.NumSpaceTimeStreams = [1 1];
cfgMU.MCS = [4 8];
cfgMU.APEPLength = [1024 2048];
cfgMU.ChannelCoding = {'BCC' 'LDPC'}
% The configuration object settings reflect the updates specified. Default
% values are used for properties that were not modified.