www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/DelayProfileAndFluorescentLightingEffectsExample.m

    %% Delay Profile and Fluorescent Lighting Effects
% This example demonstrates the impact of changing the TGac delay profile,
% and it shows how fluorescent lighting affects the time response of the
% channel.
%% Delay Profile Effects
% Create VHT configuration object. Set the sample rate to 80
% MHz.
vht = wlanVHTConfig;
fs = 80e6;
% Generate random binary data and create a transmit waveform using the
% configuration objects.
d = randi([0 1],8*vht.PSDULength,1);
txSig = wlanWaveformGenerator(d,vht);
% Create a TGac channel object. Set the delay profile to |'Model-A'|, which
% corresponds to flat fading. Disable the large-scale fading effects.
tgacChan = wlanTGacChannel('SampleRate',fs, ...
    'ChannelBandwidth',vht.ChannelBandwidth, ...
    'DelayProfile','Model-A', ...
% Pass the transmitted waveform through the TGac channel.
rxSigA = tgacChan(txSig);
% Set the delay profile to |'Model-C'|. Model-C corresponds to a multipath
% channel having 14 distinct paths, with a 30 ns RMS delay spread. The
% maximum delay spread is 200 ns, which corresponds to a coherence
% bandwidth of 2.5 MHz.
tgacChan.DelayProfile = 'Model-C';
% Pass the waveform through the model-C channel.
rxSigC = tgacChan(txSig);
% Create a spectrum analyzer and use it to visualize the spectrum of the
% received signals.
saScope = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate',fs, ...
    'ShowLegend',true,'ChannelNames',{'Model-A','Model-C'}, ...
saScope([rxSigA rxSigC])
% As expected, the frequency response of the model-A signal is flat across
% the 80 MHz bandwidth. Conversely, the model-C frequency response varies
% because its coherence bandwidth is much smaller than the channel
% bandwidth.
%% Fluorescent Effects
% Release the TGac channel, and set its delay profile to |'Model-D'|.
% Disable the fluorescent lighting effect.
tgacChan.DelayProfile = 'Model-D';
tgacChan.FluorescentEffect = false;
% To better illustrate the Doppler effects of fluorescent lighting, change
% the bandwidth and sample rate of the channel. Generate a test
% waveform of all ones.
tgacChan.ChannelBandwidth = 'CBW20';
fs = 20e6;
tgacChan.SampleRate = fs;

txSig = ones(5e5,1);
% To ensure repeatability, set the global random number generator to a
% fixed value.
% Pass the waveform through the TGac channel.
rxSig0 = tgacChan(txSig);
% Enable the fluorescent lighting effect. Reset the random number
% generator, and pass the waveform through the channel.
tgacChan.FluorescentEffect = true;
rxSig1 = tgacChan(txSig);

% Determine the time axis and channel filter delay.
t = ((1:size(rxSig0,1))'-1)/fs;
fDelay = tgacChan.info.ChannelFilterDelay;
% Plot the magnitude of the received signals while accounting for the
% channel filter delay.
plot(t(fDelay+1:end),[abs(rxSig0(fDelay+1:end)) abs(rxSig1(fDelay+1:end))])
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Magnitude (V)')
legend('Fluorescent Off','Fluorescent On','location','best')
% Fluorescent lighting introduces a Doppler component at twice the power
% line frequency (120 Hz in the U.S.).
% Confirm that the peaks are separated by approximately 0.0083 s (inverse
% of 120 Hz) by measuring distance between the second and third peaks.
[~,loc] = findpeaks(abs(rxSig1(1e5:4e5)));
peakTimes = loc/fs;
peakSeparation = diff(peakTimes)