www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/DemodVHTLTFEstimateChannelCoefficientsExample.m

    %% Demodulate VHT-LTF and Estimate Channel Coefficients
% Specify a VHT format configuration object and generate a VHT-LTF.
vht = wlanVHTConfig;
txltf = wlanVHTLTF(vht);
% Multiply the transmitted VHT-LTF by 0.1 + 0.1i . Pass the signal through
% an AWGN channel.
rxltfNoNoise = txltf * complex(0.1,0.1);
rxltf = awgn(rxltfNoNoise,20,'measured');
% Demodulated the received VHT-LTF with a symbol offset of 0.5. 
dltf = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rxltf,vht,0.5);
% Estimate the channel using the demodulated VHT-LTF. Plot the result.
chEst = wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate(dltf,vht);
% The estimate is very close to the previously introduced 0.1+0.1i
% multiplier.