www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/Demodulatea22HTLTFwithOFDMSymbolOffsetExample.m

    %% Demodulate 2x2 HT-LTF with OFDM Symbol Offset  
% Create an HT configuration object having two transmit antennas and two
% space-time streams.
cfg = wlanHTConfig('NumTransmitAntennas',2,'NumSpaceTimeStreams',2, ...

% Generate the HT-LTF based on the configuration object. 
x = wlanHTLTF(cfg);  

% Pass the HT-LTF signal through an AWGN channel. 
y = awgn(x,10);  

% Demodulate the received signal. Set the OFDM symbol offset to |0.5|,
% which corresponds to 1/2 of the cyclic prefix length.
z = wlanHTLTFDemodulate(y,cfg,0.5);