www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/EstimateCoarseCFOForVHTWaveformCorrelationOffsetExample.m

    %% Estimate and Correct CFO for VHT Waveform with Correlation Offset
% Estimate the frequency offset for a VHT signal passing through a noisy,
% TGac channel. Correct for the frequency offset.
% Create a VHT configuration object and create the L-STF.
vht = wlanVHTConfig;
txstf = wlanLSTF(vht);
% Set the channel bandwidth and sample rate.
cbw = 'CBW80';
fs = 80e6;
% Create TGac and thermal noise channel objects. Set the delay profile of
% the TGac channel to |'Model-C'|. Set the noise figure of the thermal
% noise channel to 9 dB.
tgacChan = wlanTGacChannel('SampleRate',fs,'ChannelBandwidth',cbw, ...

noise = comm.ThermalNoise('SampleRate',fs,'NoiseMethod','Noise figure', ...
% Pass the L-STF through the noisy TGac channel.
rxstfNoNoise = tgacChan(txstf);
rxstf = noise(rxstfNoNoise);
% Create a phase and frequency offset object and introduce a 750 Hz
% frequency offset.
pfOffset = comm.PhaseFrequencyOffset('SampleRate',fs, ...
    'FrequencyOffsetSource','Input port');
rxstf = pfOffset(rxstf,750);
% For the model-C delay profile, the RMS delay spread is 30 ns, which is
% 3/8 of the 80 ns short training symbol duration. As such, set the
% correlation offset to 0.375.
corrOffset = 0.375;
% Estimate the frequency offset. Your results may differ slightly.
fOffsetEst = wlanCoarseCFOEstimate(rxstf,cbw,corrOffset)
% The estimate is very close to the introduced CFO of 750 Hz.
% Change the delay profile to |'Model-E'|, which has an RMS delay spread of
% 100 ns. 
tgacChan.DelayProfile = 'Model-E';
% Pass the transmitted signal through the modified channel and apply the
% 750 Hz CFO. 
rxstfNoNoise = tgacChan(txstf);
rxstf = noise(rxstfNoNoise);
rxstf = pfOffset(rxstf,750);
% Estimate the frequency offset.
fOffsetEst = wlanCoarseCFOEstimate(rxstf,cbw,corrOffset)
% The estimate is inaccurate because the RMS delay spread is greater than
% the duration of the training symbol. 
% Set the correlation offset to the maximum value of 1 and estimate the
% CFO.
corrOffset = 1;
fOffsetEst = wlanCoarseCFOEstimate(rxstf,cbw,corrOffset)
% The estimate is accurate because the autocorrelation does not use the
% first training symbol. The channel delay renders this symbol useless.
% Correct for the estimated frequency offset.
rxstfCorrected = pfOffset(rxstf,-fOffsetEst);
% Estimate the frequency offset of the corrected signal.
fOffsetEstCorr = wlanCoarseCFOEstimate(rxstfCorrected,cbw,corrOffset)
% The corrected signal has negligible frequency offset.