www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/ExtractRateInformationfromLSIGExample.m

    %% Extract Rate Information from L-SIG  

% Create a non-HT configuration object. The default |MCS| is 0.
cfg = wlanNonHTConfig
% Generate the L-SIG waveform and information bits. Extract the rate from
% the returned bits. The rate information is contained in the first four
% bits.
[y,bits] = wlanLSIG(cfg);
rateBits = bits(1:4)
% As defined in IEEE Std 802.11(TM)-2012, Table 18-6, a value of |[1 1 0
% 1]| corresponds to a rate of 6 Mbps for 20 MHz channel spacing.

% Change |MCS| to 7 then regenerate the L-SIG waveform and information
% bits. Extract the rate from the returned bits and analyze. The rate
% information is contained in the first four bits.
cfg.MCS = 7
[y,bits] = wlanLSIG(cfg);

rateBits = bits(1:4)
% As defined in IEEE Std 802.11-2012, Table 18-6, a value of |[0 0 1 1]|
% corresponds to a rate of 54 Mbps for 20 MHz channel spacing.