www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/GenerateMIMOHTDataWaveformExample.m

    %% Generate HT-Data Waveform  

% Generate the waveform signal for a 40 MHz HT-mixed data field with
% multiple transmit antennas. Create an HT format configuration object.
% Specify 40 MHz channel bandwidth, two transmit antennas, and two
% space-time streams.
cfgHT = wlanHTConfig('ChannelBandwidth','CBW40','NumTransmitAntennas',2,'NumSpaceTimeStreams', 2,'MCS',12)
% Assign |PSDULength| bytes of random data to a bit stream and generate the
% HT data waveform.
PSDU =  randi([0 1],cfgHT.PSDULength*8,1);
y = wlanHTData(PSDU,cfgHT);
% Determine the size of the waveform.
% The function returns a complex two-column time-domain waveform. Each
% column contains 2080 samples, corresponding to the HT-Data field for each
% transmit antenna.