www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/GenerateWLANPacketDescisionStatisticsExample.m

    %% Generate WLAN Packet Decision Statistics
% Return the decision statistics of a WLAN waveform that consists of five
% 802.11a packets.

% Create a non-HT configuration object and a five-packet waveform. Delay
% the waveform by 4000 samples.
cfgNonHT = wlanNonHTConfig;
txWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator([1;0;0;1],cfgNonHT, ...

rxWaveform = [zeros(4000,1);txWaveform];
% Setting the threshold input to 1, generates packet decision statistics
% for the entire waveform and suppresses the |startOffset| output. Plot the
% decision statistics, |M|.
offset = 0;
threshold = 1;
[startOffset,M] = wlanPacketDetect(rxWaveform,cfgNonHT.ChannelBandwidth,...
% Since |threshold| = 1, the decision statistics for the entire waveform
% are included in the output |M|. The decision statistics show five peaks.
% The peaks corresponds to the first sample of each packet detected. View
% |startOffset|.
% The returned |startOffset| is empty because |threshold| was set to 1.