www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/GenerateWLANWaveformsExample.m

    %% Generate WLAN Waveforms
% Generate S1G, VHT, HT-mixed, and non-HT format waveforms. Vary
% configuration parameters and plot the waveforms to highlight differences
% in waveforms and sample rates.
% In each section of this example, you:
% * Create a format-specific configuration object.
% * Create a vector of information bits for the packet data payload.
% Internally, the |wlanWaveformGeneration| function loops through the bits
% vector as many times as needed to generate the specified number of
% packets.
% * Generate the format-specific waveform and plot it. For plotting,
% because no filtering is applied to the waveform and the oversampling rate
% is 1, set the sampling rate equal to the channel bandwidth.
%% Generate S1G Format Waveform
% Create an S1G configuration object and waveform. Using |Name,Value|
% pairs, specify 4 MHz channel bandwidth, 3 packets, and 15 microseconds of
% idle time. Display the configuration object and inspect its properties
% and settings.
s1g = wlanS1GConfig('ChannelBandwidth','CBW4')
bits = [1;0;0;1;1];

s1gWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator(bits,s1g, ...
% Plot the S1G format waveform, scaling the _x-axis_ relative to the
% channel bandwidth.
fs = 4e6; % Set sampling frequency equal to the channel bandwidth
time = ([0:length(s1gWaveform)-1]/fs)*1e6;
xlabel ('Time (microseconds)');
% The plot shows three S1G format packets, with each packet separated by 15
% microseconds of idle time.

%% Generate VHT Format Waveform
% Create a VHT configuration object and waveform. Using |Name,Value| pairs,
% specify 5 packets and 20 microseconds of idle time. Display the
% configuration object and inspect its properties and settings.
vht = wlanVHTConfig
bits = [1;0;0;1;1];
vhtWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator(bits,vht, ...
% Plot the VHT format waveform, scaling the _x-axis_ relative to the
% channel bandwidth.
fs = 80e6; % Set sampling frequency equal to the channel bandwidth
time = ([0:length(vhtWaveform)-1]/fs)*1e6;
xlabel ('Time (microseconds)');
% The plot shows five VHT format packets, with each packet separated by 20
% microseconds of idle time.

%% Generate HT Format Waveform
% Create an HT configuration object and waveform. Using |Name,Value| pairs,
% specify 5 packets and 30 microseconds of idle time. Display the
% configuration object and inspect its properties and settings.
ht = wlanHTConfig
bits = [1;0;0;1;1];
htWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator(bits,ht, ...
% Plot the HT format waveform, scaling the _x-axis_ relative to the channel
% bandwidth.
fs = 20e6; % Set sampling frequency equal to the channel bandwidth
time = ([0:length(htWaveform)-1]/fs)*1e6;
xlabel ('Time (microseconds)');
% The plot shows five HT format packets, with 30 microseconds of idle time
% separating each packet.

%% Generate Non-HT Format DSSS Waveform
% Create a non-HT configuration object and generate a non-HT format DSSS
% waveform with a 2 Mbps data rate. Using |Name,Value| pairs, specify 2
% packets and 5 microseconds of idle time. Display the configuration object
% and inspect its properties and settings.
nht = wlanNonHTConfig('Modulation','DSSS','DataRate','2Mbps')
bits = [1;0;0;1;1];
nhtDSSSWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator(bits,nht, ...
% Plot the non-HT Format DSSS waveform, scaling the _x-axis_ relative to
% the channel bandwidth. As specified in IEEE 802.11-2012, Section 17.1.1,
% the channel bandwidth is 11 MHz for DSSS.
fs = 11e6; % Set sampling frequency equal to the channel bandwidth
time = ([0:length(nhtDSSSWaveform)-1]/fs)*1e6;
xlabel ('Time (microseconds)');
% Sample values in DSSS modulation are –1 or 1. The plot shows the
% real values for a section of the waveform that includes the tail end of
% the first packet, the 5 microsecond idle period, and the beginning of the
% second packet for the non-HT format DSSS modulated waveform.

%% Generate Non-HT Format OFDM Waveform
% Create a non-HT configuration object and waveform. Using |Name,Value|
% pairs, specify 4 packets and 45 microseconds of idle time. Display the
% configuration object and inspect its properties and settings.
nht = wlanNonHTConfig
bits = [1;0;0;1;1];
nhtWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator(bits,nht, ...
% Plot the non-HT format OFDM waveform, scaling the _x-axis_ relative to
% the channel bandwidth.
fs = 20e6; % Set sampling frequency equal to the channel bandwidth
time = ([0:length(nhtWaveform)-1]/fs)*1e6;
xlabel ('Time (microseconds)');
% The plot shows four non-HT format OFDM modulated packets, with 45
% microseconds of idle time separating each packet.