www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/GenerateanHTLTFwithFourSpaceTimeStreamsExample.m

    %% Generate HT-LTF with Four Space-Time Streams  
% Generate an HT-LTF having four transmit antennas and four space-time
% streams.

% Create a |wlanHTConfig| object having an MCS of 31, four transmit
% antennas, and four space-time streams.
cfg = wlanHTConfig('MCS',31,'NumTransmitAntennas',4,'NumSpaceTimeStreams',4)  

% Generate the corresponding HT-LTF.
hltfOut = wlanHTLTF(cfg);  

% Verify that the HT-LTF output consists of four streams (one for each
% antenna).
% Because the channel bandwidth is 20 MHz and has four space-time streams,
% the output waveform has four HT-LTF and  320 time-domain samples.