www.gusucode.com > wlan 源码程序 matlab案例代码 > wlan/RecoverLSIGwithZeroForcingEqualizerAlgorithmExample.m

    %% Recover L-SIG with Zero Forcing Equalizer  
% Recover L-SIG information using the zero-forcing equalizer algorithm.
% Calculate the number of bit errors in the received data.

% Create an HT configuration object. 
cfgHT = wlanHTConfig;  

% Create a recovery object with |EqualizationMethod| property set to zero
% forcing, |'ZF'|.
cfgRec = wlanRecoveryConfig('EqualizationMethod','ZF');  

% Generate the L-SIG field and pass it through an AWGN channel. 
[txLSIG,txLSIGData] = wlanLSIG(cfgHT);
rxLSIG = awgn(txLSIG,20);  

% Recover the L-SIG using the zero-forcing algorithm set in |cfgRec|. The
% channel estimate is a vector of ones because fading was not introduced.
rxLSIGData = wlanLSIGRecover(rxLSIG,ones(52,1),0.01,'CBW20',cfgRec);  

% Verify that there are no bit errors in the recovered L-SIG data. 
numErrors = biterr(txLSIGData,rxLSIGData)